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velvet soft fog liquid foundation for your skin is more appropriate for this oil was particularly suitable for bare I'm hiding makeup is also very strong mixture of leather T word out of the oil would not have painted face 啦 ~ formula effects of oil control and anti-Tuozhuang than L Concealer silk beautiful paragraph that high, but it is not heavy , color it, this is the foundation of the color number on the 4th from the beginning, that if you are white is white, then it might not be for you
color number is generally 234 4.5 5.5 6 4 number is the most suitable for Asian skin armani's foundation are the 2 partial ivory white powder 4.5 3 Amended Partial very powerful color for dull complexion mm Asked by questioning 2009-04-2513 : 11
that shedding it? What is a good recommendation? To answer the supplementary 2009-04-25 13:17
people can go to the official website you should not see
evaluation evaluation of the answer you have been! Good: 0 you have had Evaluation! Bad: 0 rating you have been! Original: 0 rating you have been! Non-Original: 0 _._ dirty Yi `X replied to adopt rate: 13.9% 2009-04-25 12:44 I have a better answer to the collection of reproduced space-related knowledge • Armani QQ which cover the ability of a liquid foundation to answer 2010-08-27 • Armani, a total of several series of liquid foundation for oily skin which used a liquid foundation to answer that better 2010-09-11 • 2009-08-12 • 6 to answer 5 answer on liquid foundation comparison 2009-03-06 • For liquid foundation 5 1 answer 2009-08-01
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Other answers I use the capture total is the foundation dior , the good Ah, I am relatively white, I use 020 colors. Enough time just click a face, and nourishing ingredients that are the foundation. I read a magazine in Japan introduced, LA MER moisturizing is the best foundation, but the price is also high. Inside the magazine dior capture total on the evaluation of this foundation is also good. You do not know this is not it? Sifu Lan I do not see the dior counter in the only large mall dior counter may have. It is probably more than 800 questions people ask 2009-04-25 13:31
dior's better than Lancome, Lancome is the worst I've ever used by the foundation, and then do not buy, and I dior use the color number is 020, Sephora is not the whole answer Oh ~ Sherry adoption rate: 18.8% 2009-04-25 13:28 I want to comment View all comments>> online help team: Beautiful Life Type: satisfactory answers to primary groups: 4051 Team Declaration: Life is Beautiful! • how can I gain weight quickly point • how to make the hair long, the fastest way. Long live the Lord Level: 17 adoption rate: 47.6% • use a sunscreen with the isolation foundation whitening emulsion ... • Do you know how many hairs you head up -> -> -> Help
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close entered above the knowledge you are interested, click on the search answers,blackhawks jerseys, will appear below the list of issues of interest to you .
into any problems you are interested in viewing, click on the satisfaction evaluation of the answer at one of the buttons 4 to complete the evaluation of the satisfactory answer.
velvet soft fog liquid foundation for your skin is more appropriate for this oil was particularly suitable for bare I'm hiding makeup is also very strong mixture of leather T word out of the oil would not have painted face 啦 ~ formula effects of oil control and anti-Tuozhuang than L Concealer silk beautiful paragraph that high, but it is not heavy , color it, this is the foundation of the color number on the 4th from the beginning, that if you are white is white, then it might not be for you
color number is generally 234 4.5 5.5 6 4 number is the most suitable for Asian skin armani's foundation are the 2 partial ivory white powder 4.5 3 Amended Partial very powerful color for dull complexion mm Asked by questioning 2009-04-2513 : 11
that shedding it? What is a good recommendation? To answer the supplementary 2009-04-25 13:17
people can go to the official website you should not see
evaluation evaluation of the answer you have been! Good: 0 you have had Evaluation! Bad: 0 rating you have been! Original: 0 rating you have been! Non-Original: 0 _._ dirty Yi `X replied to adopt rate: 13.9% 2009-04-25 12:44 I have a better answer to the collection of reproduced space-related knowledge • Armani QQ which cover the ability of a liquid foundation to answer 2010-08-27 • Armani, a total of several series of liquid foundation for oily skin which used a liquid foundation to answer that better 2010-09-11 • 2009-08-12 • 6 to answer 5 answer on liquid foundation comparison 2009-03-06 • For liquid foundation 5 1 answer 2009-08-01
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Other answers I use the capture total is the foundation dior , the good Ah, I am relatively white, I use 020 colors. Enough time just click a face, and nourishing ingredients that are the foundation. I read a magazine in Japan introduced, LA MER moisturizing is the best foundation, but the price is also high. Inside the magazine dior capture total on the evaluation of this foundation is also good. You do not know this is not it? Sifu Lan I do not see the dior counter in the only large mall dior counter may have. It is probably more than 800 questions people ask 2009-04-25 13:31
dior's better than Lancome, Lancome is the worst I've ever used by the foundation, and then do not buy, and I dior use the color number is 020, Sephora is not the whole answer Oh ~ Sherry adoption rate: 18.8% 2009-04-25 13:28 I want to comment View all comments>> online help team: Beautiful Life Type: satisfactory answers to primary groups: 4051 Team Declaration: Life is Beautiful! • how can I gain weight quickly point • how to make the hair long, the fastest way. Long live the Lord Level: 17 adoption rate: 47.6% • use a sunscreen with the isolation foundation whitening emulsion ... • Do you know how many hairs you head up -> -> -> Help
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close entered above the knowledge you are interested, click on the search answers,blackhawks jerseys, will appear below the list of issues of interest to you .
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