Monday, February 28, 2011

10 Acer brand notebook purchase price adjustment involving 16 models - network communications services network

    Tencent Digital Communications (raccoon dog) in late February, March, facing the soon to come, for many manufacturers and the media, it is struggling, this leader from the IT industry, do not I say we all know, The following 50 words omitted. February 23, Acer laptop large price adjustment, the price adjustment related to its 16 models of products, a decline of up to 350 yuan for the AS4743 down, 4K mark for the first time, is now selling 3,990 yuan; other products generally down 200 yuan, Do not underestimate the 200 block, in today's notebook market can be a lot of myself!
    this week, the well-known maker Lenovo announced in Japan, news of new products with Intel Sandy Bridge Lenovo G570 Series notebook computers will be listed in the March 11, the family problems are resolved by the 6-series chipsets , IntelCore i3-2310M (2.1GHz frequency) processor, 2G memory, 500G hard drive, WIN7 operating system; price of 60,000 yen, equivalent to about 4700 yuan. According to dealers scrutiny, time to market in mainland China may be in late March to early April, consumers are expected in mid-April to purchase this product. In addition, the domestic brands this week,nhl hockey, a change in the total of the Shenzhou 13 products, followed by an elegant series of fine changes in the larger shield series.
    Here we take a look this week, Lenovo, HP, ASUS,mac makeup, ACER, ThinkPad, Dell, Sony, Toshiba, Shenzhou, Samsung and other major brand notebook latest offer of 10, we can offer, understanding the price of major brand notebook case. Where
    ACER notebook screen size / processor / memory / hard disk / drive / card price EMD350-21G16ikk 10/N450/1G/160G / No / integration 2099 AS4253-E352G50Mnkk 14/E-350/2G/500G / DVD/HD6310 3099 AS4253-E352G50Mnrr 14/E-350/2G/500G/DVD/HD6310 3099 black red AS4733Z-452G32Mnrr-1 14/T4500/2G/320G/DVD / integration 3199 ↓ AS4738G-382G32Mnkk 14/i3-380 / 2G/320G/DVD/HD6370M 3699 AS4738G-382G32Mncc 14/i3-380/2G/320G/DVD/HD6370M 3699 black coffee AS4738G-382G32Mnrr 14/i3-380/2G/320G/DVD/HD6370M 3699 Red AS4738ZG-P622G32Mncc 14 / P6200/2G/320G/DVD/HD6370M 3399 coffee AS4738ZG-P622G32Mnkk 14/P6200/2G/320G/DVD/HD6370M 3399 Black AS4738ZG-P622G32Mnrr 14/P6200/2G/320G/DVD/HD6370M 3399 Red AS4741G-382G50Mnck 14/i3 -380/2G/500G/DVD/GT540M 4299 ↓ AS4743G-382G32Mnkk 14/i3-380/2G/320G/DVD/GT520M 3990 ↓ AS5742G-382G50Mnkk 15/i3-380/2G/500G/DVD/GT540M 4299 ↓ AS5742ZG- P622G50Mnkk 15/P6200/2G/500G/DVD/GT420 3899 AS5742G-382G32MNKK 15/i3-380/2G/320G/DVD/GT540 4499 AS5742G-482G32Mncc 15/i5-480/2G/320G/DVD/GT540 4799 5542-322G32Mn 15/M320/2G/320G/DVD/HD4570 3200 AS7741Z-P622G50Mnkk 17/P6200/2G/500G/DVD / integration 3699 AS7741G-382G50Mnck 17/i3-380/2G/500G/DVD/HD6550 4959 AS7741G-484G64Mnsk 17/i5 -480/4G/640G/DVD/HD6550 6399
    Shenzhou notebook screen size / processor / memory / hard disk / drive / card price UV21-C17D1 11 / 743/1G/250G/DVD / 2199 set was the new A470-P62D1 14/P6200/2G/320G/DVD/HD5730 3499 the new A550-P62D1 15/P6200/2G/320G/DVD/GT240M 3499 new K470-i3D3 15/i3 -380/2G/500G/DVD/HD5730 3999 New K480A-i7GD1 14/i7-2630QM/2G/500G/DVD / set were 4399 new K480P-i5GD1 14/i5-2410M/2G/500G/DVD/GT540M 4699 the new A360 -P62BD1 13/P6200/2G/320G/DVD / 2699 set was the new A360-i3GD1 13/i3-380/2G/320G/DVD / set were 2999 new A420-P61B/RD1 14/P6100/2G/320G/DVD / sets were 2799 new A430-P61D1 14/P6100/2G/320G/DVD/GF310M 2999 A430-i3D4 14/i3-380/2G/320G/DVD/GF310M 3399 the new A500-P62D1 15/P6200/2G/320G/DVD / sets were 2799 new A560P-i7D1 15/i7-2630QM/2G/500G/DVD/GT540M 4999 New
    [Contact Merchant] Hung Tao Zhong Xin
    [Contact Us] (/ ) Wang Quancheng
    [Address] Street, Zhongguancun Hailong Building, 1 3075
    Asus notebook screen size / processor / memory / hard disk / drive / card price 1001PXD 10/N455/1G / 250G / No / integration 1900 EPCS1215N 12/D525/2G/320G/DVD/NV ION-512M 3400 1005PXD 10/N455/1G/320G / No / integration 2150 ↓ U31Ki38JG-SL 13/i3-380/2G/320G / DVD/NV415M-1G 4700 A40Ei38JV-SL 14/i3-380/2G/320G/DVD/ATI6470-1G 4200 A40Ei48JY-SL 14/i5-480/2G/320G/DVD/ATI6470-1G 4800 A42Ei38JZ-SL 14/i3 -380/2G/320G/DVD/ATI6470-512M 3850 ↓ A42Ei48JY-SL 14/i5-480/2G/500G/DVD/ATI6470-1G 4800 N43Ei48JM-SL 14/i5-480/2G/500G/DVD/NV435M- 1G 6200 A52XP62JU-SL 15/P6200/2G/320G/DVD/ATI6370-512M 3400 A52Xi38JU-SL 15/i3-380/2G/320G/DVD/ATI6370-512M 3750 ↓ A52Xi38JT-SL 15/i3-380/2G / 320G/DVD/ATI6370-1G 3900 ↓ A52Xi48JT-SL 15/i5-480/2G/500G/DVD/ATI6370-1G 4750 ↓ N53Xi48JL-SL 15/i5-480/2G/500G/DVD/NV425M-1G 6700 ↓ < / p>
    [Contact Merchant] Beijing Yatai Acer Technology Development Co., Ltd.
    [Contact Us] (/) Chao
    [Address] Ding, Beijing, Zhongguancun, Haidian Good Electronic City Room 719
    ThinkPad screen size / processor / memory / hard disk / drive / card price E10-4HC 11/U5400/2G/250G / No / integration 3700 E10-39C 11/I3-380 / 2G/320G / No / integration 4500 E10-2LC 11/K125/2G/250G / No / integration 3390 ↓ X100e-A47 11/RS780/1G/160G / No / integration 2650 X100e-MB2 11/RS780/2G/320G / no / integration 3300 E30-A19 13/L325/1G/250G / no CD-ROM / Integrated 3750 ↑ E30-A18 13/SU4100/2G/320G / no CD-ROM / Integrated 3900 E40-M63 14/I3-380M/2GB/320M / RAMBO/512M alone was 4599 E40-M59 14/I3-370M/2GB/500M/RAMBO/512M alone was 4699 E40-A81 14/I5-460M/2GB/250M/RAMBO / set was 4979 ↓ E40-M56 14 / I3-380M/2GB/320M/RAMBO / 4399 E50-A12 15/I3-330M/3GB/500M/RAMBO/512M integration alone was 5450 E50-A23 15/I3-330M/2GB/320M/RAMBO/512M 4600 alone significantly E50-A22 15/P6000/2GB/320M/RAMBO/512M alone was 3950 L412-7VC 14/I3-350M/2GB/320M/RAMBO/512M alone was 6130 SL410K-K5C 14/T4500/1G/250G/RAMBO / integration 2979 ↓ SL410K-8EC 14/T4500/2G/320G/RAMBO / integration 3550 SL410K-A8C 14/T4400/2G/320G/RAMBO/256M alone was 4200 SL410-A63 14/T6570/2G/320G/RAMBO/ATI256M 4259 ↓ SL410K-J7C 14/T4500/1G/250G/RAMBO/256M 3620 SL410K-ETC 14/T4500/2G/500G/RAMBO/256M separate independent 4300 X201I-CBC 12/i3-370M/2G/250G / no CD-ROM / integration 5999 X201I-CFC 12/i3-370M/2G/250G / no CD-ROM / Integrated 6299 ↑ X201I-A26 12/i3-370M/2G/320G / no CD-ROM / Integrated 6430 ↓ X201I-LYC 12/i3-380M/3G/500G / no CD-ROM / Integrated 9250 ↓ X201I-A57 12/i5-460M/3G/500G / no CD-ROM / Integrated 8699 ↑ X201S-FFC 12/i7-640LM/4G/320G / no CD-ROM / Integrated 16500 X301-AV8 13/SU9600 / 3GB/128GB/Rambo / integration 17500 X301-HF5 13/SU9600/3GB/250GB / no CD-ROM / Integrated 13500 T410I-5SC 14/P6200/2G/320G/Rambo / set was 5499 T410I-D9C 14/i3-370M / 2G/320G/Rambo / set was 6399 ↓ T410I-5TC 14/P6200/2G/320G/Rambo/256M alone was 6500 T410I-A27 14/i3-370M/2G/320G/Rambo / Independent 512M 7100 ↓ T410I-8LC 14 / i5-460M/2G/320G/Rambo / Independent 512M 7999 ↓ T410I-AE4 14/i5-450M/3G/320G/Rambo / Independent 256M 10000 T410I-AE7 14/i5-430M/3G/500G/Rambo / Independent 256M 12700 T410S-D9C 14/I5-520M/2G/250G/DVDRW / Independent 512M 12000 T410-JQC 14/i5-540M/3G/500G/Rambo / Independent 256M 11600 T410-A28 14/i5-520M/2G/320G / Rambo / Independent 512M 11900 T410-A33 14/i5-520M/3G/500G/Rambo / Independent 512M 12900 T510-AH1 15/i5-520QM/2G/320G/Rambo/512M alone significantly 11000 T510-A54 15/i5-540QM / 3G/500G/Rambo/512M alone was 17000
    [Contact Merchant] Anderson Yu Cheng Technology Co., Ltd. Beijing
    [Contact Us] (/) Sun Feifei
    < p> [Address] City of Beijing Zhongguancun E World Electronic Room A833
    Lenovo notebook screen size / processor / memory / hard disk / drive / card / other prices U260 12/i3-380M/2G/320G / No / set was 5550 Z360AP6100 13/P6100/2G/320G/DVD/512 was 3700 Z360A370 13/i3-370M/2G/500G/DVD/512 alone was 4449 Z560AP6000 15/P6100/2G/320G/DVD/512 independence independence significant independence was 4020 Y460NP6100 14/P6100/2G/500G/DVD/1G 4350 Y460NM-ITH 14/i3-390M/2G/500G/DVD/1G significant independence 4800 Y460N-IFI (T) 14/i5-480M/2G / 500G/DVD/GT 425M 5599 Y560A-ITH 14/i3-390M/2G/500G/DVD/1G 5350 G460AY 14/P6200/2G/320G/DVD/512 alone was significant independence 3550 G460A-PSI 14/i3-390M / 2G/320G/DVD/512M 4099 V360A390 13/i3-380M/2G/500G/DVD/1G significant independence was 4650 V360A460 13/i5-460M/2G/500G/DVD/512 independence alone was 4800 V460A390 14/i3-390M / 2G/500G/DVD/1G alone was 4700 V460A480 14/i5-480M/2G/500G/DVD/1G 5150 V560A480 15/i5-480M/4G/500G/DVD/1G alone was significant independence 5590 U460A-PSI 14 / P6200/2G/500G/DVD / dual display 3999
    [contact businesses] in the off Ka Yip
    [Contact] (51526575 /) MING
    [ ,],[Mini210 Red 10/N450/1G/160G / No / integration 2899 Mini210 Butterfly 10/N450/2G/250G / No / integration 3408 DV6-3028TX 15/i5-520M/3G/500G/DVD/HD5650 7659 CQ32-105TX 13 / P6000/2G/250G/DVD/HD5450 3399 CQ32-107TX 13/i3-350M/2G/320G/DVD/HD5450 3750 CQ32-111TX 13/I5-450/1G/500G/DVD/HD5450 4709 CQ36-119TX 13/i3 -350M/2G/250G/DVD/HD4550 4499 CQ42-283TX 14/P6000/2G/250G/DVD/HD5430 3809 CQ42-286TX 14/i5-450M/2G/320G/DVD/HD5430 4099 CQ42-153TX 14/i5- 430M/2G/320G/DVD/HD5430 4959 G42-383TX 14/i3-370M/2G/500G/DVD/512M alone was 4359 G42-474TX 14/I3-390M/2G/640G/DVD/ATI6370 4159 ↓
    [contact company] Beijing Xin Wang Hao Yun
    [Contact] () Wang Shiyu
    [Address], Haidian District, Beijing E World 1118
    Sony Laptop screen size / processor / memory / hard disk / drive / card / other prices M125 10 英寸 / N470/1G/250G / No / integration 2850 M128 10 英寸 / N470/2G/320G / No / integration 3300 P115JC 8 inch / Z530/2G/64G / No / integration 4710 P118JC 8 inch / Z540/2G/64G / No / integration 6630 ↓ P45JC 8 inch / Z530/2G/64G / No / integration 4659 P47JC 8 inch / Z540/2G/64G / No / integration 6150 ↓ X138LC 11.1 inch / Z540/2G/128G / No / integration 8750 X118LC 11.1 inch / Z540/2G/128G / No / integration 8819 ↓ EA35EC / B 14/P6100 1.86/2G/320G/RAMBO/ATI 5470 4600 EA37EC / B 14/I3-370M/2G/320G/RAMBO/HD5470 5270 EA38EC / B 14/I5-460M/2G/500G/RAMBO/HD5650 5930 ↓ EB35EC / T 15/P6100/2G/320G/RAMBO/HD5145 4509 EB37EC / T 15/I5-530M/2G/500G/RAMBO/HD5650 5550 ↓ EE27EC 14/P320/2G/320G/RAMBO/HD5145 4550 S135EC 13.3 inch / I3-370M/2GB/320GB/RAMBO/GF310M 6500 S138EC 13.3 inch / I5-560M/4GB/500GB/RAMBO/GF310M 7499 S1200C white 13.3-inch / I5-450M/2GB/320GB/RAMBO/GF310M 6750 ↓ Z127FC 13.1 inch / I5-520M/4GB/128GB / No / GT330M 14500 Z128FC 13.1 inch / I5-540M/4GB/256GB / No / GT330M 17300 Z135FC 13.1 inch / I5-560M/4GB/640GB/ROMBO/GT330M 11960 Z137FC 13.1 inch / I5-560M/4GB/128GB/ROMBO/NV330M 14700 Z138FC 13.1 inch / I5-580M/4GB/256GB/ROMBO/NV330M 17480 Y218EC / B 13.3 inch / I3-330M/2GB/320GB / No / HD540V 5550 ↓ TT4S3 / B 11.1 inch / SU9900/2G/250G/RAMBO / integration 11450 EA46EC / B 14/P6200/2G/500G/RAMBO/ATI 5470 4699 EA47EC / B 14/I3-380M/2G/320G/RAMBO/HD5470 5180 EA48EC / B 14/I5-480M/2G/500G/RAMBO/HD5650 6160 ↑ EB46EC / T 15/P6200/2G/500G/RAMBO/HD5145 4699 EB47EC / T 15/I5-480M/2G/320G/RAMBO/HD5650 5600 ↓
    [Contact Business] Technology Co., Ltd Beijing Cheng Yu Anda < / p>
    [Contact Us] (/) Sun Feifei
    [Address] City of Beijing Zhongguancun E World Electronic Room A833
    Toshiba notebook screen size / processor / memory / hard disk / drive / card price NB255 10/N455/1G/250G / No / integration 2899 T112 11/SU2700/2G/320G / No / integration 3959 T230 13/U5400/2G/320G / No / integration 4500 ↓ E205 14 / i5-430M/4G/500G/DVD/310M alone was significant independence 7399 L600 14/P6000/2G/320G/DVD/512M 3859 L600-05S 14/i5-430M/2G/320G/DVD/HD5145 4859 L600D 14/P320 / 2G/320G/DVD/512M alone was 3899 M600-01B 14/i5-450M/2G/320G/DVD/512M alone was 5199 ↓ L650-02B 15/i3-350M/2G/320G/DVD/HD5145 4459 L630- 09S 13/i5-450M/2G/500G/DVD/HD5145 5120 ↓ L630-01S 13/P6000/2G/500G/DVD/HD5145 3859 R502 12/U7700/2GB/128GB / No / integration 15300 G501 18/T9400/4GB / 500GB/DVD carved / NV9600 15000
    [Contact Merchant] Beijing at Oriental Digital Technology Co.,vibram five fingers, Ltd. Hong
    [Contact] () Cher
    [ ,],[/ no / set was 2199 N148-DP07 10/Atom N450/2G/250G / No / set was 2400 N140-JA08 10/Atom N280/1G/250G / No / set was 2730 N310-JA04 10/Atom N280/1G / 250G / No / set was 3100 R439-DU07CN 14/i3-370/2G/500G/DVD/1G alone was 3909 R429-DS0ACN 14/P6000/1G/320G/DVD/512M alone was 3759 ↓ R538-DS04CN 15/P6100 / 3G/320G/DVD/512M alone was 4109 R540-JS05CN 15/I3-370/4G/320G/DVD/512M alone was 4288 R480-JV05CN 14/I5-460/2G/500G/DVD/1G alone was 5999 ↓
    dealers Company: Beijing Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. Hong blue
    Marketplace Address: Zhongguancun Electronics E-2010A 20-story city office building, Room
    Tel: Ding Hao
    Dell laptop screen size / processor / memory / hard disk / drive / card price Ins10D-116 10/N455/1G/250G / No / integration 2299 Ins13RD-338 13/P6100/2G/320G/DVD/HD540v 4599 Ins13RD-348 13/i3-370M/2G/320G/DVD/HD540v 4639 Ins14VD-369B 14/P6100/2G/250G/DVD/HD5430 3999 Ins14VD-378B 14/i3-370M/2G/320G/DVD/HD5430 4049 ↓ Ins14RD-357B 14/i5-460M/2G/500G/DVD/HD5650 6299 Ins15RD-358 15/i3-370M/2G/320G/DVD/HD5650 4759 ↓ 1464 14/i3-350M/2G/320G/DVD/512M 4539 ↓ 1464 14/i3-370M/2G/320G/DVD/512M alone was significant independence 4959 1464 14/i5-520M/4G/320G/DVD/512M independence was achieved 3300 13/i3-380M/2G/320G 5199 ↓ / DVD / integration 4699 achievements 3400 14/i3-380M/2G/320G/DVD / integration 6000 ↓ 5799 achievements 3500 15/i3-380M/4G/500G/DVD/512M independence was achieved V130 13/i5-470M/4G / 500G/DVD / integration 6499 XPS15D-118 15/i7-740QM/4G/640G/DVD/GT435M 9850 ↓
    [Contact Merchant] Beijing at Oriental Digital Technology Co., Ltd. Hong
    [Contact] () Cher
    [Address] 27 Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District, Beijing Zhongguancun Building,insanity dvd, Room 703

    great success last summer

      great success last summer,vibram five fingers, the situation of a Warring States-based spoof of blood theme drama the original World War II theme.

      but now also announced that the latest official information released on April 6 of the Burning soul into the future!! This game has always been the land of Kai State primary contest for the selection, so Sanada Yukimura and want to win the land of Kai Masamune dojo in this contest where they started, waiting for the two trials in the end What is it? We can wait for the DVD on sale when you can see it.

      the official website of this information with the public if there's some hidden character set,nhl hockey, Takeda Shingen,mac makeup, Katakura small Juro and Sarutobi Sasuke are wearing the mask of a very funny, it seems that this would in turn Love is the base for a full and very interesting if it,insanity dvd!

      Zhao Wei thin 22 pounds thanks to post-natal mad after getting up these four things

      Zhao rapid recovery postpartum body, again major brand ambassador, the secret? informed source revealed that after giving birth, Zhao Wei has been working to lose weight, we recommend the life to the most used methods lose weight.
      many times to lose weight, but not without time, that is not in the mood,mac makeup, especially for office workers. But Xiaobian tell you just do the 4 things every morning, no doubt you will be thin. Also, do not worry, these 4 things are very easy to do, you just need to get up 30 minutes earlier can.
      to lose weight the first thing - 7:00 early morning glass of water
      get up after drinking a glass of water, not only will help quick urination, but also to add cellular water. Lower blood viscosity. Usually drink boiled water for half an hour later, the body will be discharged before the night of the metabolites. In addition, the drinking water does not contain protein, fat, carbohydrates, will not affect the weight loss, but also let your skin become Ay.
      The second thing to lose weight - 7:05 thin yoga, the effect was significantly
      the day is the best time to practice yoga: morning and afternoon two hours before sunrise and before sunset two hours. Get up and practice yoga is a good choice, not only losing weight, the body can also add energy, make you energetic and happy.
      thin yoga practice:
      first step: wake-up muscle
      the beginning, to do two days, three minutes of deep breathing. When inhaled, the abdominal contraction. When exhaled breath was taken will have a sense of the vertebral spine. Health benefits: exercise in preparation for the process, can promote the flow of oxygen in the muscles. Mental benefits: access to a quiet and peaceful state of mind.
      Step two: physical Yang Shen
      standing, his arms on the move, such as stretching, but to increase substantially. If lying in bed, two hands on the head edge of the bed can be used (or two arms hold the body on both sides of the bed), one leg in turn (or both feet) straight leg raise the knee up. When leg raise slightly faster, slower fall time. Do 20 times. Help to reduce excess abdominal fat, increased abdominal muscle strength, increase flexibility of the abdominal muscles.
      third step: side of the waist stretch
      put your right hand on your right shin or ankle, left hand on your left ribs. Then turn left and start your body,insanity dvd, so you and your left shoulder to right shoulder in the same line, and turn your left foot, so that your left toes facing forward, toward the side of right toe. If you feel able to remain stable this time, and lift your left arm straight stretch direction of the ceiling, so with your right shoulder in a straight line on the. Keep your spine straight, and then look to your left arm, and if so will hinder your neck, you can look ahead. Breathing, and then for the other side.
      this action to reduce waist,vibram five fingers, hips fat and fat, increased waist and hip muscle strength, strong lumbar Gushen very effective.
      fourth step: the end of the relaxation exercises
      lying down or sitting quietly,nhl hockey, listening to your breath. Then smile. This is the

      Xiang 27 kg weight loss postpartum weight-loss success secrets Zhuge Kan

      Xiang has been in production for women grow fat and ashamed to see people's Xiang high-profile debut on December 7 launch of Hunan TV New Year's Eve party, and his buddy Han Wang staged a After the success of her slimming style as ever, come in handy with Wang Han echoed each other throughout the ceremony had already engaged in hot climate. It has been observed, Li Hunan TV appearances than those in Shenzhen last year, when New Year's Eve party to lean a lot, no wonder the dressing the day Do not forget to show off intellectual weight loss results - showed off the stout legs no longer had.
      Xiang Zhao
      thin tips before the bloated one: postpartum weight loss need to identify the time
      is a new mother for six months after giving birth weight of the golden period, because this is new mother's metabolic rate, and life habits are not yet finalized, so the effect of weight-loss will be better. But just given birth mother can not blindly near the new weight-loss diet.
      because just finished production, the body has not fully recovered to pre-pregnancy level, combined with some new mother is also charged with the onerous task of feeding, nutritional supplements at this time when it is needed. Mandatory post-natal diet, not only will lead to a new mom body back slowly, and may also lead to serious post-natal complications.
      and more desirable weight-loss drugs, because most of the major weight-loss drugs to achieve weight loss by increasing the excretion of the purpose,nhl hockey, weight-loss drug at the same time will also affect the body's normal metabolism.
      服用减肥药 new mothers breast-feeding,vibram five fingers, most drugs will be discharged from the milk, which is equivalent to the baby also follow you eat a lot of drugs. Newborn liver detoxification function is poor, large doses of the drug can lead to reduced liver function and the baby, causing abnormal liver function.
      some new mothers, afraid to make breast feeding more and more loose, sagging, shape of the United States, and the use of artificial feeding. This approach is not conducive to child growth and development, is not conducive to restoring and maintaining its shape.
      because breast-feeding, due to stimulation of the baby sucking the nipple,mac makeup, the mother can increase the secretion of prolactin, pregnancy increased uterine contractions to promote and enable rapid recovery bloated abdominal wall. Prolactin by acting on cortical cells in the breast gland and breast suspensory ligament to prevent excessive sagging breasts.
      breast-feeding can also accelerate the secretion of milk,insanity dvd, to promote the mother's metabolism, consumption of fat accumulated during pregnancy are to reduce subcutaneous fat storage, which can effectively prevent obesity. Breastfeeding should let the children turn to suck both breasts in order to maintain the same size on both sides of the breast, full fitness.
      Xiaobian reminder:
      >>> result in failure of the 6 postpartum weight loss fatal
      >>> new mothers to prevent postpartum Obesity Note
      in the next section to Watch: postpartum weight-loss diet tips

      Sunday, February 27, 2011

      Europe and China Car DVD Navigation musicians pushing one machine

        Watch the whole
        Academy Awards Academy Awards ceremony in progress, How to seize the government transition Niu Bizi
        Government Transformation,mac makeup, Niu Bizi as social and economic development, has become the second five reform priorities. Where is spring
        volunteers remained at Guangzhou International Exhibition on the seventh modification Music Masters series of new products launched. Reportedly, the family has been involved by the Mercedes-Benz,vibram five fingers, BMW and other supporting sound development of the original car's chief engineer for up to 42 years leading research and development Nobuo Ichikawa. New addition to covering Europe,nhl hockey, China and China Red series products all the technical, functional,insanity dvd, platform edge features, in terms of tone and sound quality was particularly prominent.
        DLA technical engineer, said Nobuo Ichikawa, Europe and China Music Masters Series product launches, aims to restore the original sound, which gives the user such as the sounds of nature [Review Photo Forum]-like listening experience and the soul of the original sound shocking experience.

        Speed Lite 24-year free replacement burner for only 149 yuan

          Speed Lite 24-year free replacement burner for only 149 yuan
          【February 24 PChome Xiaobian Beijing Reuters today to introduce a well-known from the optical storage companies in the world - Lite DVD burner. The model burner Lite IHAS324, current special promotions business for only 149 yuan, interested friends may wish to contact the next business.

          Intelligent Surveillance exclusive SMART-BURN technology to adapt to override the function, with automatic adjustment of recording parameters,mac makeup, real-time recording power correction, but also to avoid Buffer Under Run error,vibram five fingers, so you will not burn a bad film, give you the most good recording quality.

          Lite IHAS324 DVD burner with the mainstream SATA interface, a 2MB cache capacity to support 24X DVD + /-R write, 12X DVD + /-R DL read and write, 8X DVD + RW replication, 6X DVD-RW replication and 12X DVD-RAM write, 48X CD-R write, 32X CD-RW replication,insanity dvd, and 16X DVD-ROM, 52X CD-ROM read, is a genuine super-Super Multi burner.

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          AKB members of the Chung-Chuan Yao Cai Hong Xiangju to promote Sohu Entertainment DVD-starring movie

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            Although the film is a horror movie,insanity dvd, but recall the shooting,nhl hockey, Kikuchi said: I lived for so long, do one of the most fun work. >
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              Saturday, February 26, 2011

              Fake Head & Shoulders, Rejoice produced rental - Olympic Web, seen everything

              3 月 5 afternoon, the streets Fuyong rental rental IMIS Integrated Management of the members of the Tong Mei Chen Sanxiang Eleventh District No. 15  , found that the glass doors and windows all cast rented the newspaper, Chen came up knock on the door,vibram five fingers mac makeup, a man opens the door closed, Chen house and found a large number of stacked inside shampoo and leaflets, cartons built a large variety of well-known brands of shampoo, the Carefully picked up a bottle of shampoo Chen a closer look and found that relatively simple packaging of shampoo, bottles of typefaces on a very clear,nhl hockey, and also placed inside a barrel, large barrel filled with a large number of poor-quality shampoo bulk .
              Fuyong relevant functional departments departments inventory of law enforcement officers on the scene. Identified by law enforcement officers to the scene,insanity dvd, within the rental are counterfeit shampoo. According to the preliminary count, alleged fraud of more than 200 containers of shampoo, more than 2,400 bottles. Fake goods on the law enforcement officers were temporarily detained immediately. The case has been transferred to the relevant functional departments streets.

              Cosmetic dentures seized two thousand

              Building 6 in the district,vibram five fingers, the business of law enforcement officers from a house about 150 square meters identified the Rejoice, Head & Shoulders, Pantene, Oil of Olay cosmetics, such as more than 500 pieces of suspected counterfeit. 14 at night, industrial and commercial law enforcement officers in the downstairs area of the 8 Dunshou few hours later, find another hideout and seized Rejoice, Head & Shoulders, etc. more than 1,600 pieces of suspected counterfeit cosmetics.
              seized two thousand dentures cosmetic
              Rejoice, Head & Shoulders, Pantene, Olay, Ding and a dozen varieties of cosmetics are everywhere ... ...
              yesterday, according to a report Yaohai Branch Trade and Industry, came to the East Garden, Longgang District. Building 6 in the district,mac makeup, the business of law enforcement officers from a house about 150 square meters identified the Rejoice, Head & Shoulders, Pantene, Oil of Olay cosmetics, such as more than 500 pieces of suspected counterfeit.
              In fact,nhl hockey, the East Garden, Longgang District is not the only one permit. 14 at night, industrial and commercial law enforcement officers in the downstairs area of the 8 Dunshou few hours later, find another hideout and seized Rejoice, Head & Shoulders, etc. more than 1,insanity dvd,600 pieces of suspected counterfeit cosmetics.

              C2CC expert commented Rejoice, gentle thugs - Information Center - Chinese cosmetics network - the first gateway to China's cosmetics industry

              a major event. Rejoice for the addition of anti-de shampoo market is full of variables. Rejoice how to prevent future hair loss? Could pose a threat to the King against off? Is anyone's guess.
              Rejoice in the industry generally look bad performance, they think, Rejoice, as foreign brands in China playing Chinese kung fu on the site, play the Chinese cultural heritage of our ancestors, the lack of credibility, this Chinese herbal medicine mental resources, rooted in China, foreign companies do not rush scrambling; Secondly, Rejoice involved in hair loss prevention market, blurring the original core values and brand positioning, not only in the market does not help prevent hair loss and even damage to the original compliant market.
              Only Rejoice brand managers can really interpret their own policies, no matter how wonderful comments outside, it can only be What has long been criticized Rejoice Why are not flexible common sense out the card? Yaran Rejoice, apart from the strategy that we vaguely felt not only by the exclusive CD Rejoice, Rejoice strategy must hide behind a huge strategy, the strategy must be subordinate to Rejoice strategy in this huge,mac makeup, Rejoice just stand on stage before speaking on behalf of Bale. Perhaps this strategy is Procter & Gamble shampoo Pioneer, especially when P & G attempted to launch a new brand (Yun Yan) to attempt to achieve its Greater China after the failure is most likely to rely on the Rejoice.
              1989 年 10 months, as Procter & Gamble's brand, Rejoice into China. Two decades, Rejoice shampoo market in China has been the leading brand, to become part of the life of Chinese women. Rejoice gentle, pleasant appearance, through its interpretation of high-density ad, showing the consumer confidence or a love one or moisture under the beautiful warmth of the image of sweet, Rejoice in the love,nhl hockey, here transformed into a beautiful white-collar heroine and self-confidence Beauty, warm, pleasant, loving overboard. However, the beauty snake is a snake after all instead of beauty, Rejoice in the Chinese market through a series of moves,insanity dvd, sentimental veil torn Rejoice, Rejoice we see is the image of cold-blooded killer, in the quest for market, Gone with the Wind flexible than any P & G's brands all seem monstrous and gentle exterior exposed face of the terrible thugs.
              Return to the public, walked down the price of the altar
              P & G to enter the Chinese market in 1988 after just 3 years time they made a profit, and an average annual rate of 40% -50% growth. P & G's Rejoice is the first to enter the Chinese market shampoo brand, is the largest sales, accounting for the highest market share in shampoo brand. Rejoice dressed when entering the Chinese market ring, Rejoice is undoubtedly the choice of Petty, 20-30 yuan / 200ml price is not a salaried employee of that era can enjoy affordable, the price continued until the late 90s of last century . With the maturity of daily chemical enterprises in China,vibram five fingers, after almost a decade in the high-speed growth, P & G's performance in an unprecedented negative growth. Performance remained low for P & G felt the unprecedented challenges and pressures to maintain the status of lakes big brother, as the new P & G can not. At this point, Rejoice brand popular strategy, in contrast, the core strategy is to reduce product prices to capture more consumers low-cost, against domestic brands of the public life. Rejoice greatly reduced again in 2002 the product sales price, price cut of up to 20%, plus the retail end of competition the need for a low increase rate of P & G products, the actual terminal Rejoice retail price of 35 yuan from the past / 400ML down 25 yuan / 400ML so, because of higher prices to win back the lost part of the market. Now, Rejoice in the prices should be well-known shampoo the lowest end, the formation of the terminal shampoo market price of an insurmountable barrier.
              While P & G Pantene and Vidal Sassoon to strengthen the brand image building and investment, the image of intent to become popular due to Rejoice lost to a satisfactory end-result of the high-end crowd. Rejoice in the price cuts to further expand its market indeed territory, revenues have continued to grow. Rejoice popular strategy has been to firmly grasp the market in the first place, but also makes P & G's shampoo faucet unshakeable position of the boss. However, the core values of Rejoice Pantene and Vidal Sassoon, after all, can not be replaced, Rejoice martial arts

              Beware, bathing the word

                Hefei Evening News on January 28 morning,vibram five fingers, the city Yaohai Branch Trade and Industry announced a number of recent seizures of fake and shoddy goods, effectively purifying the market environment during the two sessions.
                1 20 January, law enforcement officers seized suspected infringement in the Yangtze River Market Wahaha It is understood that the main flow of counterfeit goods occupies three counties and the suburbs.
                1 月 18 afternoon, law enforcement officers in Fengyang a rented room that was manufacturing and selling counterfeit products on the spot and seized the province famous brand . The next morning,insanity dvd, law enforcement officers smashed in the industrial park Yaohai famous trademark counterfeiting dens,nhl hockey, on-site liquor seized a large number of fake brand-name identification.
                recently inspectors destroyed in the Longgang district of a sale of a product of the dens at the scene seized 2400. According to reports,mac makeup, the main flow of counterfeit goods at Hefei of large baths. Recent inspectors also seized fake (Yu Ting)

                Friday, February 25, 2011

                Colleagues are not afraid of the poor rich man afraid of - today reported net

                our unit had a 30-year-old female colleagues, how old likes to say how rich their own homes. And she also likes to take me to do comparison, said: buy a iPhone,north face denali, in the office showed me a long time,nhl hockey, and then they put next to my phone said: Xiao Qiang:
                can not, some people do not show off their wealth, like lying in bed wearing a Giorgio Armani,mac brushes, cramped.
                anonymous users:
                really no way, this is also my colleagues I encountered more than one. There is also a big sister, every day boast of how their skin care products use advanced, but also chasing asked Han brand I use, I say with a great treasure,mac makeup, the young are not afraid of anyway. Results people thought I was deliberately ironic she is old, look for opportunities to give me trouble for. Really upset, in fact, my family had two houses a car, I just like how much to spend this much on their own way of life earned, but did not expect such a low profile of the bullied!

                Small strong micro-topic

                Cargo Cosmetics chance to reborn - Skin Care - China Cosmetics Online

                Jinba Lei osmanthus perfume, determined to eliminate acne cleanser beautiful ... ... so many Zengyin poor access, low prices,nhl hockey, profits weak and dying skin care products,mac brushes, domestic products can make a comeback, a comeback, e-commerce credit should not be overlooked
                dozen years ago, just a few dollars can buy at the trendy cosmetics, bee flowers, friendship, and a hundred birds gazelle ... ... then these local brand can be described as flush on the river north and south. But after the year 2000,north face denali, Johnson & Johnson, Procter & Gamble and other international big-name have beach landing, was a classic day of local super brand in the increasingly hard to find in large it anyway,mac makeup, and the small nurse, Yue-Sai, Tai Po and other rising star is also in order to be foreign takeover.
                Jinba Lei osmanthus perfume, determined to eliminate smallpox facial beauty ... ... for many Years have passed, these
                Recently, prices have imported cosmetics, cosmetics, domestic products by the network eliminates the need for high entry costs, quietly revived.

                Asian Cup 23-man squad will be out Jin Yu Li Xuepeng fear the two would also risk

                newspaper Xinmin Evening News Weekly Digital Edition
                Community College Home Weekly Edition Xinmin Xinmin Bella Metro U.S. Hongkou reported Real Estate Automotive Health sec Le Bar Phone Network
                Court Xinmin electricity Shanghai Charity Foundation,north face denali, the public forum YORK, Dec. 18 into Zhuhai Jin reports:
                with the Estonian national football in a fun warm-up victory over dripping Perhaps nothing, after all, it was just a warm-up match. But the edge of national football players, it was a
                accordance with the regulations required the Asian Cup 23-man squad 10 days before submission of the AFC, which means that Gao Hongbo have 10 days to consider whether the ticket sent to the current 23 to 28 players in the national football Which players.
                game with Estonia in addition to the inspection team the training, another important task is to examine the performance of what fringe players. Li Xuepeng in order to investigate the performance on the left back, Gao Hongbo Rong Hao hesitate to push the midfield. However, seen in Dalian game performance after the teenager called poor second-half debut. Defense of dragging its feet, the ball field after two opponents Fanqiang risk threat. Assists not enough strong, and even kicked the ball directly to a Xiadichuanzhong bounds. More importantly, the cooperation between he and his teammates seemed very understanding. Li Xuepeng this performance, the already precarious position he was probably out of the only fate. The only chance of survival Li Xuepeng there is Kunitari with the exception of Rong Hao,mac brushes, the same teenager he and the river embankment to buy two, if you buy the next game in the river embankment performance of more unbearable, so do not rule out high Bo had a change of heart move.
                addition to Li Xuepeng game with Estonia in poor performance, Zhao and Yu Tai Po performance can only be regarded as satisfactory. Zhao's ready audience in the low-level errors committed by the race twice, once out of position,nhl hockey, a direct rival to the ball to the foot, the other player can get a good break opportunities. Zhao also appears at the back confidence, several passes in the backcourt is very nervous, so he's ready audience may Gao Hongbo mainly just want more time to examine him. In accordance with the general practice list of 23 will be four candidates in the back, in Dewey, Feng Xiaoting basically decided the case must be selected, Zhao Wang Qiang and Li Jianbin must compete for two places, if today's performance, Zhao Gao Jun of the elderly who fear there are also dangerous.
                Kunitari three arrows in the list, only Gao Lin can be said to determine the selected. The Yang half with a goal of today's performance also won enough points. In contrast to the performance of very large treasure but in general, he even gives the court some sense out of tune with the team, constantly shouting match Gao Hongbo how their collusion and post moves. Therefore, training only in the military twice Gao great treasure into the 23-man squad seems to be very difficult.
                of course the game with Estonia Zhao, and Li Xuepeng Tai Po was not good, but the other fringe players like buying embankment Jiang, Li Jianbin, Huang Bowen, Li Chunyu, who also need to match with Macedonia in the next come up with a good performance in order to win more points for themselves. Currently there are 28 national football player, injured Jiangning Ji missed the Asian Cup and Feng Xiaoting the upcoming return,mac makeup, then the next out of five national football players also need to eventually become the 23 winners who will it? We can only be angry and brave.

                AFC Champions League Tianjin TEDA Haan said target is not there cards out - Counter-Strike - the professional sports team Web site

                  Lunar New Year Cup champion had just won the WASHINGTON Tianjin TEDA has targeted the end of the month will be the beginning of the AFC Champions League. Coach Haan said the Lunar New Year Cup is very important in recent years, TEDA an award, but the team will not be proud,mac makeup, because their goal is the upcoming AFC Champions League. He hopes the team can play in the Lunar New Year Cup AFC Champions League level.
                  in the recently concluded Lunar New Year Cup competition, TEDA team 4 to 0 victory over the South Korean team Ulsan Hyundai, they rely on penalties in the final championship win over Guangzhou Hengda. In particular, the game is to beat Ulsan Hyundai is very proud Haan, he thinks it will make the whole team confidence to meet the first AFC team in the competition with South Korea. And he said the game in the Lunar New Year Cup and all the cards do not reveal their purpose is to preserve their strength lay AFC.
                  in the Lunar New Year Cup competition,nhl hockey, Tianjin team to play all the local key players are still outstanding, in particular, Li Weifeng has just joined is imposing directions, and he's in the backcourt with Zoric team's Road to Tianjin, but also raise a defense grade. In addition, Wang Xinxin, in large Po,mac brushes, Wu Weian and barbarian days and so the players can play in the Super League season, a above as vigorous, it also very pleased to Haan. In foreign aid, the Tianjin team last season, midfielder did not leave Colorado Wolf, hoping to buy a strong lower back foreign aid, there are rumors they Suwon Samsung of Korea is very interested in the lumbar Zhaoyuan Xi, and some even that they have to default. Up front, Nigeria's foreign aid buy Ao Jita Tianjin team, the player is already on the Lunar New Year Cup Tianjin team play, but the performance does not seem ideal. In the next season, he may serve as the first choice striker Luciano another bench or behind the shadow of its forward use.
                  present, Tianjin,north face denali, Shanghai preparing for AFC teams have moved to competition. During the two teams will warm-up match Shenhua. It is reported that Tianjin team will also work with Shenhua to Chen Taoyong move things a long time to communicate, which means that the Tao is likely in the next few seasons continue to Tianjin Teda effect. (Warriors)

                  9 things correct anti-wrinkle cream pay to help get rid of fine lines wrinkles, skin care beauty network shall pay ten recommended anti-wrinkle cream - Skin Care Products - skin care - beauty network

                    Lead: women are made of water,mac makeup, gentle vulnerability may not withstand the years of agonizing, unwittingly stole up the fine lines between the eyes. Want to abandon the fine lines replenishment is key to success. Let's take a look at how several anti-wrinkle cream reclaim our youth!
                    Yue source of wood (Origins) ORIGINS Firming Eye Cream Rhodiola ice
                    Size: 15ml Reference price: 430 yuan
                    Products: The pharmaceutical industry as the It can enhance the body the energy needed to deal with environmental impact, and has This amazing plant has been scientifically proven to effectively enhance the skin cell energy storage levels to help the skin from fatigue and stress state of rapid elastic recovery firm, to reproduce the skin look younger. Rhodiola from the ice sheet repair made in refining the essence, make the skin faster access to the same height as Rhodiola tolerance capabilities, effective against a variety of attacks and injuries; the same time, the series also added called the fruit to remove from the base and the promotion of freedom of bone collagen. Two rare fusion of natural active ingredients to enhance skin cell immunity and resilience to play the inherent self-healing power of the skin, thus effectively repel all fine lines and wrinkles, firm skin, skin aging effects solution. Origins of wood according to Yue's leading source of natural laboratory for global professional clinical trials showed that: 77% of the trial were obviously feeling the skin becomes rich, tight, 73% felt the trial was significantly reduced fine lines, look younger.
                    Use: After cleansing with the appropriate finger picks, with the ring finger in the eye around the pulp, especially in relatively dry skin, fine lines where more Gently massage.
                    Dabao eye wrinkles honey (Great Treasure Su Xiao eye wrinkles honey)
                    Size: 20g reference price: 10 yuan
                    Products: The main component of natural pollen,nhl hockey, together with special skin soothing ingredients, nutrient-rich, can improve the microcirculation of the skin, the skin constantly replenished lost natural nutrients to keep skin tender and elastic, so that the eyes reduce wrinkles. If the entire face painted with a better result. Su Xiao honey erase wrinkles and signs of aging eyes, so you are unfolding, young. Main components of pollen, vitamins have been,mac brushes, silicone oil, lanolin derivatives. Emitting a faint jasmine. And high cost,north face denali, the majority of users and friends welcome.
                    Use: net surface Dip fingertips after gently applied to the product at the other corner of the eye or face, gently massage.
                    Beauty network ( ) original articles . Media Partners Welcome reproduced, reprinted, please indicate the source. Non-cooperative media shall not be reproduced, content partners Tel :020 -38468403.

                    Thursday, February 24, 2011

                    ha ~ ha, this is really a dream.

                      Last night saw hawthorn Love,mac brushes, in the end too sad,north face denali, that the film is not over. . . . how can

                      Zhang Yimou made into this, I kept thinking, then continued last night in my dreams, Intuit issued dimple

                      , This is the expanded

                      20 years after the fall quiet as a secretary in a special forces, dressed in military uniform, two pigtail hair, with glasses and her mother the same day she was watching TV in a camp Cut to the youngest

                      youngest in the dream to life, wearing a white shirt, Dengzhe Phoenix bicycle room,nhl hockey, (behind the scenes turned out to be West!), the third son is still young, still wearing a pair of red feet

                      Nike, he came to static and autumn came.

                      Jing Qiu Jing Qiu colleagues to come out. . . .

                      Jingqiu looked at third. . . Jing Qiu youngest looked silly (expression is so stupid)

                      Jingqiu: how do you not dead, you really do

                      youngest: quiet autumn, I finally beat the disease,mac makeup, I come to you, you said you are willing to wait my whole life.

                      Jingqiu: But how do you become like a Cut to the youngest

                      youngest long hair, beard a lot, and continue to grow out of the zoom lens seems very careful to grow the beard is = =!

                      said the youngest out of the basket from the car a pair of shoes, shoes printed Hawthorn

                      Jingqiu: ah so vulgar

                      youngest: Nike label inside the shoes. = =

                      Jingqiu suddenly excited, she wanted to pass it holds third child, but the youngest looks like a rogue, like the bad guys, she hesitated

                      scene suddenly disappeared

                      scene suddenly go - Jingqiu quietly lying on the bed beside the youngest, the third is ill, just cold, not leukemia

                      wake up, I was confused

                      Ten brand clothing

                        World's top ten women's brand Channel V

                        1 GabrielleChanel Chanel (Paris 1913)

                        2 Christian Dior Dior Christine (began in 1946 Paris, France)

                        3 Givenchy Givenchy (France 1952)

                        4 Yves Saint Laurent Yves Saint Laurent (YSL began in France)

                        5 Valentino Valentino (Valentino began in Italy)

                        6 Versace Versace (1978 Milan, Italy)

                        7 Giorgio Armani Giorgio Armani (started in Italy)

                        8 Lssey Miyake Issey Miyake (started in Japan)

                        9 Kenzo Kenzo (Japanese designer began in France)

                        10 Calvin Klein Calvin Klein (also known as CK began in the United States)

                        11 Donna Karan Donna Karan (since the United States)

                        12 FLRS Law Han Poetry (English name begins Shanshan China) Brand China's top ten women

                        Channel V / Women

                        1 Top Brand Women younger brother (well-known trademarks in China, Taiwan brand)

                        2 only women (the world brand Danish designer)

                        3 Etam Women (France ETAM Group affiliates, the famous best-selling brand)

                        4 songs Leah women (China Women / Autumn / Summer Kochi degree brand)
                        Peace Bird Women
                        5 (Kochi Women's degree of Chinese brand)

                        6 Bugs Women (Hong Kong brand, known best-selling brand)

                        7 red armbands Women Hopeshow (Kochi Women's degree of Chinese brand)

                        8 Wo women (China Women's Kochi degree brand)

                        9 Si'erli women (well-known trademarks in China, the National Inspection-free products)

                        10 Qianbai Hui women (China well-known best-selling brand)

                        world's top ten brands ranked men's Channel V

                        1. Hugo Boss (Boss began in Germany)

                        2. Walter (Walter began in Europe)

                        3. GIANFRANCO FERRE (Ferre started in Italy)

                        4. GUCCI (Gucci began in Italy)

                        5. Dolce & Gabbana (Dolce & Gabbana began in Italy, also known as DG)

                        6. COMMEdes GARCONS (Rei Kawakubo began in Japan)

                        7. PRADA (Prada began in Italy)

                        8. Christian Dior (Dior began in France)

                        9. Domma Karan (Donna Karan started in the United States)

                        10. Giorgio Armani (Armani began in Italy)

                        Men's Top Ten Brands

                        1. Rimula Men (China Famous Brand, China Top Brand, National Inspection-free products)

                        2. Qipai Men (China Famous Brand, China Top Brand)

                        3. Men seven wolves (well-known trademarks in China, the Chinese famous brand, national inspection-free products)

                        4. Lilang Men (China famous brand, national inspection-free products)

                        5. Wets Men (well-known trademarks in China, China Brand, the National Inspection-free products)

                        6. Prince Dragon Men (China Well-known trademarks, well-known brand)

                        7. Nine men, animal husbandry, Wang (China Famous Brand, China Top Brand, National Inspection-free products) < br>
                        8. Tigers are men (well-known trademarks in China, China Top Brand)

                        9. Emperor brand men's (China Famous Brand, National Inspection-free products)

                        10.Boss Men (World Brand, Chinese Famous Brand)

                        suits China's top ten brands

                        1 groom suits (China Famous Brand, China Top Brand, National Inspection-free products)

                        2 Shanshan suits (China Famous Brand, China Top Brand )

                        3 Romon suits (China Famous Brand, China Top Brand, National Inspection-free products)

                        4 Younger suits (China Famous Brand, China Top Brand, National Inspection-free products)
                        < br> 5 BAOXINIAO suits (China Famous Brand, China Top Brand)

                        6 Red Collar Suit (China famous trademark)

                        7 beans suit (China Famous Brand, China Top Brand,north face denali, National Inspection-free products)

                        8 Chuang Chi (China Famous Brand, China Top Brand)

                        9 Law School Suit (China Famous Brand, China Top Brand)

                        10 Peiluo Meng (China well-known trademarks)

                        Ten men's trousers - trousers Brand Channel V / Brand Pants (2008)

                        1 September, animal husbandry and Wang (Chinese famous brand, famous brand, the top ten brand trousers)

                        2 tiger (China brand names, brands / brand, the top ten brand trousers)

                        3 Buyun Shanghai Famous Brand, Fenghua Huayuan Co., Ltd.

                        Buyun Pants 4 groom well-known trademarks in China, Chinese brand names, brands / brand

                        5 Younger (well-known trademarks in China, Chinese brand names,mac makeup, brands / brand)

                        6 Conch (first-line brand / brand, well-known brands, top ten brand trousers)

                        7 Busen (Chinese brand, brands / brand, the top ten brand trousers)

                        8 red beans (well-known trademarks in China, Chinese brand names, brands / brand)

                        9 Romon (well-known trademarks in China, Chinese brand names, brands / brand)

                        10 million Adams Shield (first-line brand / brand, brand of Guangdong Province, Guangdong Province famous trademark)

                        ten shirt brand Channel V / designer shirt (2008)

                        1. Younger (well-known trademarks in China, Chinese brand names, brands, top ten shirt brand)

                        2. Conch (well-known trademarks in China, Chinese brand names, brands, top ten shirt brand)

                        3. ON ON (well-known trademarks in China, Chinese brand names, brands, top ten shirt brand)

                        4. beans (well-known trademarks in China, Chinese brand names, brands, top ten shirt brand)

                        5. Wets (well-known trademarks in China, Chinese brand names, brands, top ten shirt brand)

                        6. seven wolves (well-known trademarks in China, Chinese brand names, brands, top ten shirt brand)

                        7. Romon (well-known trademarks in China, Chinese brand names, brands, top ten shirt brand)

                        8. Shanshan (China Well-known trademarks, Chinese brand names, brands, top ten shirt brand)

                        9. BAOXINIAO (well-known trademarks in China, Chinese brand names,nhl hockey, brands, top ten shirt brand)

                        10. Tiger Balm (well-known trademarks in China, Chinese brand names, brands, top ten shirt brand) Ten sportswear brand

                        1. Li Ning (the world famous brand in China began in 1990, China)

                        2. Adidas (the world brand,mac brushes, began in 1984, Germany)

                        3. Nike (world brand began in 1972 the United States)

                        4. Anta (the world famous brand of China National Inspection-free products)

                        5. Capa (the world brand began in Italy)

                        6. Jordan (well-known trademarks in China, Chinese brand names, free products)

                        7. Xtep (China famous free products)

                        8. Puma (world brand began in 1948 in Germany)

                        9. Peak (China famous free products)

                        10.361 degrees (China famous free products)

                        world's top ten sports brands

                        1. Nike (the world brand began in the United States)

                        2. Adidas (the world brand began in Germany)

                        3. Reebok (world brand began in the United Kingdom)

                        4. Converse (world brand began in the United States)

                        5. New Balance (World brand began in the United States)

                        6. Mizuno (the world brand with Japan)

                        7. Puma (brand started in the world Germany)

                        8. Umbro (world brand began in the United Kingdom)

                        9. Diadora (world brand began in Italy)

                        10. Li Ning (the world brand began in China)

                        top ten underwear brand / brand underwear

                        1. past and present (Chinese famous brand started in Shanghai)

                        2. love (Beijing Famous Brand)

                        3. Tingmei (body sculpting underwear began in the famous Beijing)

                        4. Triumph (the world-famous underwear began Germany)

                        5. beans (China famous national inspection began in Jiangsu)

                        6. cat people (Chinese famous brand began in Hubei)

                        7. AB (China brand began in Jiangsu)

                        8. Three Gun (China brand started in Shanghai)

                        9. Manni Fen (China Famous Brand X underwear brands from the Cantonese)

                        10. Embry (China brand started in Hong Kong)

                        world's top ten brands leather Channel V

                        1. Louis. Vuitton LV (Louis vuitton founded in 1854 Paris, France)

                        2. Chanel (Chanel world's top ten brand-name leather goods, was founded in 1913, France)

                        3. Gucci Europe. Gucci (Gucci in 1923, Florence, Italy)

                        4. Dior (Dior world's top ten leather, founded in 1946, Paris)

                        5. Valentino (Valentino world's top ten leather goods brand, founded in 1960, Rome, Italy)

                        6. Prada (Prada leather world's top ten brands, founded in 1913, Italy)

                        7. George. Armani (Armani world's top ten leather goods brand, founded in 1970, Italy)

                        8. Dunhill (Dunhill world's top ten leather goods brand, founded in 1983, London, UK)

                        9. Fendi (Fendi leather goods world's top ten brands, founded in 1925, Italy)

                        10. Coates (COACH world's top ten leather goods brand, founded in 1941, New York)

                        Own inventory of 2010

                          I, YF, was a classmate of a naive girl who said that some, indeed, in 2010 there did some little silly and stupid things. In those days, or happy or sad, or tired of the day, in the years Dianran, the drunk quarter after quarter.

                          two thousand and ten in the spring, and accompanied by warm sunshine home, pulling luggage, I walked in the midst of the crowd, those strange faces always make me feel like a bum, always have the train station congestion, which are the same as, and I still train like a person, preferably a window seat, and then, a song, the scenery is enough. In this way, I started my college life, but also to continue the journey of my life.

                          my university, as has been very busy, and sometimes even have to miss the time eating, students,mac makeup, community, in its place, seeking the government, because of his choice, it must be responsible. Those busy days of the shuttle, those fresh, new life, then, is always busy but happy, like a dragonfly flying in the skies, and occasionally a little tired, or enjoy the joy of flying. In the study, unfortunately, I embarked on the same road as other students,mac brushes, the exam for the exam, the last surprise when I meet with the Duke is very ashamed. Fortunately, there is no end to fail the course to see the villagers.

                          time is always like a race than fail with the players who always kept the fastest forward in time, and then inadvertently lost a person very far, far away from the memory, suddenly If upside down. Summer is coming so inadvertently, this time I also say goodbye to the campus, the Nike store live another life. Are probably not it, do not own, it will aspire to. Once accustomed to something, but then ordinary. In the eyes of many, Nike seems to have become part of the label of price and taste, and I, a summer experience at the point of view, in fact, it is nothing,north face denali, only shoes, clothes, brand name printed on its tag only, they The origin of many developing countries, I have not seen one of their local production. Perhaps this is their clever it.

                          summer, sometimes the wind is very cool, very like the one with a small tie his short shirt, simple, generous, handsome, I do not know why, his sometimes inexplicably want to be a boy, riding bike, rampage, but not bad to do something naughty, smiled, and then spit tongue slip away. When I wore it to school when my roommate surprised expression indicates that a successful challenge. Also, they all think I have been obediently quiet girl, did not think I have such a time, like a little boy, huh, huh. L grew up feeling much better after the first year. Now it seems the original is indeed a lot of childish things, those societies have lost enthusiasm, and,nhl hockey, more importantly, the new faces to those we received in the new school when their school, and, they ... ... However, he is still busy, and that is a failure, not knowing what really busy, and now, I am thinking very hard, still do not know, in the end their busy this semester what.

                          to turn yesterday's singing quartet album today, can feel the former look like? Multiplied by parachute flying eagle can feel the power of freedom? Sleep in a dandelion side, can understand each magnificent dream? Witnessed the ground-breaking growth of bamboo shoots, whether made of jade energy necessary for growth? Gaze, the flying snow, can prove an ancient fairy tale? Years and went, and this time it is accompanied by the New Year bell travel, and not alone. So the next time it?

                          Oh, I think it will still bravely forward, definitely. I would like to be. Documents to be left like an inferior race, 2010, addressed to himself and to wish everyone a Happy New Year! To the new year, be happy, hard!

                          Little sense ② - Hong Kong

                          five in the morning we went to the airport in Thailand, eight in the plane, flew to Hong Kong, one to Hong Kong, go to the Bauhinia Square, the place, really good ah ~ ~ went to a small Ocean Park, you can play the two and a half hours Well, visiting are visiting the finish, so I planned in the car of our trip, we ran a go at the top of the most exciting piece to the ~ may in Ocean Park is the most exciting roller coaster madness of it ~ I did the first time I did with open eyes, feel nothing at all, very boring ~ has made pirate ship, shaking (like the sun god car, But in the kind of high turn over ~ ~), made a flying rotating chair, to the amusement park every time I will play ah ~ ~ also went to the jellyfish Hall, dolphin show or something, not how go again two and a half hours passed ~ ~ then went to Repulse Bay, and Thailand Samed really immeasurably, various immeasurably ah, really throw confinement ~ ~ went to the Victoria Peak, where the road, just like a roller coaster ~ like a roller coaster track what I did not, but a car to get that slightly sick ah ~ ~ to the Cape of Good Hope to looked at, according to Zhang phase down in the evening, we have our meal, o ( ) o Well you understand, do not explain ~ in fact, many Hong Kong food over, but after all,mac makeup, with the group thing, so eat of it all, alas. At night, we do the little wreck (with too much more immeasurably ah) to enjoy a bit of Victoria Harbour is very pretty ah ~ ~ because the camera because, according to not come out, next time out to play, it is necessary to take a SLR! ,north face denali! ! In this way, the day passed.

                          1 月 27 号

                          o () o, alas, is going into the store, what jewelry stores, watch stores, looking slightly evil ah ~ I went to the DFS Galleria, my mother bought two wallets, one back package, well, super-expensive super-expensive ah ~ ~ you ask me to buy a small Sky 2,30 package looked very good ~ ~ LV, Chanel or something, very inspirational, a good education, big money, buy ! ! Went to the Avenue of Stars, Bruce Lee, I have been looking for fingerprints, alas, searched and searched, finally found it, nothing! ! I forgot his early death and then went to dinner ~ ~ I did not even rice to eat. Under the bus did not even travel, when I am particularly uncomfortable, back to the hotel, I was paralyzed in bed, really long time not so embarrassed, and my mother asked me Can a man, what can I say, but I more hope to have someone stay with me, they do not know how much I fear the night, how afraid I was lonely, I know, ah, the sky will turn black, people have to leave, no one who can not stay forever. I know, Liu Tiange can point to a more man, so I can only with great reluctance, Later, mom and sister and another sister that Ding Lin went to Madame Tussauds, gee, I really super want to go and take a picture of Jay, alas, no chance that you, this is the act of God it was my mother away ~ , I cried, I do not know why the cry, and I do not know in the end to the Bu Zhiyu, anyway, I cried the first time crying so quiet, but I know, I do not blame my mother, because people can not live in luxury in the , that would be very happy, very satisfied. People should cherish everything even if we do not possess. However, I told myself that if my little future Kazakhstan (my children, my son called Happy, a daughter named Honey, collectively called the Little Kazakhstan) sick, or when he was in a very fragile, I will stay with her side, even though I can not share her pain, but I will cheer him up! Later, I had a fever, I am very hot very hot, there is a vague feeling, I can not close their eyes to sleep, I was afraid when I wake up less 21 grams, and then I pinch bitter about their own, After a long, it feels pain, this know, I'm still alive. Then I winked back waiting for my mother, after a while, blinking asleep, and dreamed of the cemetery, they immediately woke up, his eyes have blinked a few times, so she comes back, my life, I fear most is the other people, those few hours, one minute of flow from the side, seemed so long, after a long long time, as if a century old, his mother, my mother asked me how are you feeling, my answer to the word

                          1 月 28 号

                          early in the morning, got up, took a shower went to Disney yesterday, I was so embarrassed it, the next day flew well, God bless it ~ plus I'm in pretty good foundation, we eat breakfast in Hong Kong, spent 200 dollars. Although it is not cheap, but really yummy ah ~ ~ ~ ~ I have come to miss the Disney aged have to divide by ten, yeah ~ ~ I have just one and a half day at Disney, the play of the super-happy ~ ~ Carousel, and a photo of Mickey Mouse,nhl hockey, as well as street performances float ~ ~ Happy ah ah ha ~ ~ ~ ~ Each of us watching fireworks, but ah, we went to the East will be the city of Hong Kong, I go in shocked! ! Adidas and Nike, 200 to 300 yuan, I bought two pairs of Adidas, a pair of Nike, I would reluctantly part with a pair of scores to the sister night to eat Yishun Shuangpi Nai, all ten at night, and also There were many people queuing at the door that it ~ it was pork chop package is also especially good, Shuangpi Nai taste also, and eating a bit more tired, but really good Hong ah ~ ~

                          1 月 29 号

                          the last half a day ~ ~ I rolled her to the Bay, what sogo, ah,mac brushes, ah, Times Square, and thus the morning passed, and we went to Hui Lau Shan eat and eat, and set back to the hotel, sitting, plane back to Beijing, the two also met the aircraft on his way flow, the beginning scared me, then, not everything was back in Hong Kong ~ ~ Oh ~ ~ still a lot to what did not go ah, Tsim Sha Tsui, Mong Kok Centre (I want to go!! Hong Kong's mini Sky!!), as well as in Hong Kong do Tintin cars do not have the opportunity to go ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I went missing shoes ah ha ha ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                          then returned to Beijing, cold ah! ! ! Or would like to return to Hong Kong ah ~ ~

                          Congratulations, you have already read this post ~ ~ leave a message Bai ~ ~ ~

                          Wednesday, February 23, 2011

                          Shopping HK back to a single product purchase on the latest chapter - Shanghai News

                            2009 new year,mac brushes, I went to you to do Shopping in Hong Kong friends. As usual,north face denali, and return back a lot of cosmetics. Beginning with the first family portrait for everyone to see it.

                            GUCCI bags 7200HKD store to buy, the mainland can be warranty

                            Chow Tai Fook wishful thinking, original 1400HKD, hit 95 off with a card, folded 1330HKD

                            EL ANR set 935HKD DFS purchase
                            Water 340HKD pomegranate pomegranate cream 390HKD
                            counter counter counter

                            cleansing 200HKD full Hydrating Face full-cream 390HKD counter moisturizing cream 330HKD

                            FANCL price of the
                            ; Remover 293HKD / 2 只
                            VC 50HKD / package
                            VE 128HKD / 2 package

                            Biotherm suit 350HKD,mac makeup, no Christmas with her beautiful skin, and for more than a mask + a moisturizing cream

                            Oushu Dan Honey Mask 280HKD
                            L'Occitane Immortelle L'Occitane Olive Water 190HKD
                            water 160HKD

                            < p> Clinique Clinique Cleanser 155HKD
                            magnetic water massage cream 330HKD
                            Clinique Cleansing Milk 165HKD

                            Origins drained Mask 200 HKD

                            Origins cool to edema Mask 200 HKD

                            EA family portrait
                            ea 30 original plastic surface of 89, special 78HKD
                            EA VC whitening capsule 268 original price, but also activities of special good night's sleep 238HKD
                            EA 192HKD
                            EA Eye Gel Cream 30 69HKD

                            NARS blush 240HKD 9 folded 216HKD

                            KISS KISS Guerlain lipstick 189HKD

                            Guerlain Makeup 400HKD

                            ; MAC Eyeliner Black (waterproof) 150HKD

                            MAC liquid foundation 240HKD

                            ; MAC makeup before the elegant beauty milk 150HKD

                            Bobbi Brown: Star yarn Yan palette 340HKD

                            < p> Bobbi Brown eyeliner set 480HKD

                            DIOR isolation 295HKD

                            ; DIOR Lipstick 195HKD

                            bueberyr Perfume 50ML 399HKD

                            Lancome Lancome powder blue water 210HKD
                            water 210HKD
                            Lancome Makeup 290HKD all counters to buy

                            < p>
                            lost items list:
                            GUCCI bags 7200HKD
                            CTF wishful thinking, 1330HKD
                            EL ANR set 935HKD
                            EL pomegranate water 340HKD
                            EL Pomegranate Cleansing Cream 390HKD
                            EL 200HKD
                            EL All Hydrating Cream 390HKD
                            EL whole 330HKD
                            FANCL Moisture Eye Makeup Remover 293HKD / 2 只
                            FANCL VC 50HKD / packages < br> FANCL VE 128HKD / 2 package
                            Biotherm package 350 HKD
                            L'Occitane Honey Mask 280HKD
                            L'Occitane Immortelle L'Occitane Olive Water 190HKD
                            water 160HKD < br> Clinique Clinique Cleanser 155HKD
                            magnetic water massage cream 330HKD
                            Clinique Cleansing Milk 165HKD
                            Origins drained Mask 200 HKD
                            Origins cool to Mask 200 HKD
                            EA swollen face plastic 30 78HKD
                            EA VC whitening capsule 238HKD
                            EA good night sleep cream 192HKD
                            EA Eye Gel 30 69HKD
                            NARS blush 216HKD
                            KISS KISS Lipstick Guerlain Guerlain Makeup 189HKD
                            MAC Eyeliner Black (waterproof) 150HKD
                            MAC liquid foundation 240HKD
                            MAC makeup before the elegant beauty milk 150HKD
                            Bobbi Brown: Star Yan yarn palette 340HKD
                            Bobbi Brown eyeliner suits 480HKD
                            DIOR isolation 295HKD
                            DIOR Lipstick 195HKD
                            buebery perfume 50ML 399HKD
                            Lancome Lancome powder blue water 210HKD
                            water 210HKD
                            Lancome Makeup 290HKD
                            tbs oil 62HKD
                            TBS tea tree oil tea tree oil first aid cleansing bar 62HKD
                            TBS sponge 15HKD
                            Mitchell's Calendula Toner 250ML 310HKD / bottle < br> Kiehl moisturizing toner 175HKD / Support
                            Kiehl moisturizing cleanser 145HKD / Support
                            Kiehl Cucumber Water 125ML 105HKD 250ML 175HKD
                            Kiehl kiehl's cattle Oil Fruit Cream 255HKD / bottle
                            Kiehl Kiehl's Herbal Whitening Mask 350HKD
                            JUJU Shui-liang 45HKD
                            JUJU moisturizing cleansing fresh water 82HKD
                            JUJU White Water 95HKD
                            NUXE pure flower water Mask 280HKD
                            EA 2 in 1 green cleansing,nhl hockey, 75HKD
                            9 color chocolate Givenchy counter limited purchase
                            Chanel eye shadow 395HKD honey powder 350HKD
                            EL full-Hydrating Cream 390HKD Clarins
                            chest Shili 396HKD
                            Borghese white gloves, white mud 138HKD
                            EA whitening capsule 50 400HDK
                            L'Occitane Shea Butter 60HKD
                            BOBBI BROWN limited gold yarn plate 350HKD
                            Clarins Shaping 400HKD
                            Origins drained Mask dolls 200HKD
                            Origins cleansing mask 200HKD
                            Origins kill two birds with cleansing mousse 170HKD
                            Benefit lemon-aid lemon cream eye Zhexia bottom (commonly called the lemon cream) 220HKD
                            Benefit rouge new Blossoming of Maximo Oliveros water (liquid blush pink poppy) 280HKD

                            Shanghai shopping Sight Super Shopping Guide - Fashion Channel - International Online

                              1. siblings silk: the orders are mainly exported to France, more relaxed and neutral a little low collar Paoxiu demon (Changshu Road 124)
                              2. wind: 162 Shaanxi Nan weight characteristics of varieties suitable for re-brand quality, a taste of life guests
                              3. Xiaojiabiyu store color according to the most: No. 1699 Nanjing West Road, Fashion Square B040 by the United States specializing in general with beads bag backless evening gowns
                              4. Xiangyang Road Fashion Square Backstreet relatively affordable price of A-11>>> Editor: go to Hong Kong shopping shopping shopping experience summary
                              5. most cultured small 92 Freshwater Road, clover shop for about 30 years old woman with vision temperament
                              6. Southern Shaanxi Nan is selling 76 very casual casual clothes next to a very famous shoe store in Southern
                              7 . Jinjiang Park Station on the subway (exit South Hongmei Road) --- --- Then turn left into the tunnel (keep going towards the direction of South Hongmei Road) - the tunnel - to the left to go - to see a alley River into - a blue and yellow and white house it wants (read-locka warehouse) Locka warehouse address is 126 South Hongmei Road, Lane this place a long-term discount. There are three luka, reversed, mac & jac brand. Have a tag. Condition varies. . . Last week I accompanied my students to go. Once inside, to be a pile of clothes piled on the table, this is a folding top, and slowly pick things may come to pick. Because the clothes can get past,nhl hockey, it is estimated a little hungry defects or other reasons. Other clothes are hanging off of 2-4. However, there are a lot of pants off, and a lot of pants are a dozen dollars. There can also be tried.
                              8. Hualian in Changfeng Park, 2nd Floor, next to a field and RED EARTH ESPRIT discount sale, folded in and folded for many years to buy two DD hit a two-fold, there are two fold The DD buy two dozen a discount!! There are already discounted list of DD is to buy two dozen three fold in the -------- bus 216/707/754/765/766/785/551/567/837 / 846/856/44/67/94/143 Road have been to.
                              9. out of Hong Department Store World Outlets. Pudong International Airport Station in the suspension to the second floor of Block ----- maglev can airports Dedicated to: the airport line to Hongqiao Airport and Pudong Airport --- --- 30 per single fare --- second airport to Pudong Airport Shanghai Exhibition Center (Nanjing West Road) --- single fare 19 yuan Airport Line --- Pudong Airport - Zhangjiang - Xujiahui - Zunyi Road (Yangtze Hotel) - multi-stage fare 3 yuan, 20 yuan airport full four-lane --- Pudong Airport - Wujiaochang - Big Cypress - Multiple votes --- Lu Xun Park price of 2 yuan, 18 yuan airport full five lines --- Pudong Airport - East Hospital - People's Square (intersection of Chengdu Lu Weihai) - Shanghai Railway Station multi-fare 2 yuan, 18 yuan full six-lane --- Pudong Airport Airport - Zhangjiang Science Park - Pudong Avenue - Purple Mountain Hotel - East Hospital - Mountain Road - Changning Road - Bai Road - South Rock Road - Taopu Road ---- 2 yuan more than the fare level, the entire 20 per
                              10. In the three-way pump, Linyi opened a crossing to sell Sheng Ji, in the 2F has a ETAM parity shop. Basically, the 3 fold. Both old and new goods, bus routes: 785, the bridge line, 119 pump three-way, or can do under the Linyi Road Metro Line to the Lujiazui, the direct road to be 82, the final stop, oh. Pu and 82 three-way sit under it. Move forward and get off, pump three-way turn left, walk 5 minutes to Pu Linyi Road junction to the three of strategy!
                              11. There is also a day in the Temple that the margin department, the near Shanghai, that the door into the streets, the first 94. 1F and Bin slave, what's with Giordano. Basically,mac brushes, since 20, 30,40,50 drops have. Can try dropping. Pudong, the 3 fold, 5 fold more than the previous one little expensive. Nine Line tunnel, the bridge can be the first line. 8 had no need to live far from a trip.
                              12. Fa Hua Zhen Road, above a man named Xiu Yi Fa Hua Zhen Road Housing
                              13. Even a favorite shop on the company's next Damuqiao look super good thing that MM has a good magazine, has been recommended by friends over to her shop. Xietu Road near the place where Shen head in the next
                              14. socks. Levin Fuji Plaza 4 myself, there are many Japanese Castle Tailor original WW sell good quality, and put the role of a modified type legs Oh,mac makeup, and the price is not expensive, 19 yuan / double, with half of the rompers also of, LZ can go and see. Stockings madman, even fixed a road next to the Yunnan Road, near Yan'an Road, a small shop know to buy! Good sock, I would not have to wear a little bit of both winter and bad! Hey! Socks giant to learn Ga Protection!
                              15. there is a trade store chain called , the Blue Village Road junction Nanquan several trade shops attached, one waited costumes,north face denali, the whole thing is over in Hong Kong, but the price is slightly more expensive Ha!
                              16. Hong Dai in the 38 square called the scene shop is also good. There is a clothing import and export company owner, so has been a very good version of type AVV JESSICA kind of clothing, the price is relatively fair, you say old customer, he will give you 7 fold, a lot cheaper than the mall

                              1 2 v Guangzhou Shopping shop shopping search line Daquan 2007-02-15 13:12:11
                              v ; Shanghai trend of v buy over the Guangzhou: brand-name clothing stores large search 2007-01-19 14:48:28

                              Robbed of getting money internally and externally to the mainstream NANO MP3 recommend

                                appearance of the factors in the MP3 into account the proportion of very high, and in the eyes of many people look even more important than quality,nhl hockey, of course, does not recommend this Xiaobian sorting machine,mac makeup, our goal is to both look and sound. MP3 is internally and externally to our family to go young fashion concern.
                                As digital products, MP3 technology development capacity is not large, it should be said that the basic development have been fixed. However, compared MP4 and MP3 music phone sound quality is not the greatest advantage, etc., but its compact size. Small body of highly adaptable to MP3, watches, necklaces and even earrings,mac brushes, for not only did not think of.
                                the shape is free to bring a convenient and stylish with, such as Apple CEO Steve Jobs had in the conference come from the jeans pocket change when the first generation iPod nano gives the shock is suffocation. Although after a few cases brought to Apple suit case. But this idea is absolutely digital life should be respected.
                                Well,north face denali, nonsense is not much, following on from the Xiaobian take you into the fashion world of digital music players.
                                Experience the best MP3 audio iaudioU3 initial small drop ↑ previous article 9mm Tip: Try the keyboard S10 fashion elf Page 4: to bring the door with a different style iriver T10 on page 5: more women in the U.S. Sony's new S200 Series slender Page 6: The United States have both type core with the fly? iaudioT2 will be able to page 7: the only one can be when people praise the MP3 earrings page 8: internally and externally to the main articles summarize MP3 shopping guide

                                Quest metro malls, discount on air and folding HOTWIND

                                  in Most of the clothes which are special, generally 1-3 fold, which featured the prices of goods ranging from 79,99 to 119,139,nhl hockey, the main style to Autumn. Re-entered, and walked the audience will see triple KAJA brand clothing sale, REAPER is also a triple,

                                  to the second floor, greeted on the The opposite is the Re-entered, and there are some brands take the sale, discounts generally are more powerful.

                                  in the innermost layer is the eighteen bends Shoes cheaper, universal to 59.9,99.9,169,199 mainly from running shoes to high heels all styles, summer sandals, there are many, like the bargain, you should not miss. In a look inside the clothes, mostly long-sleeved clothes, there are a lot of coat,mac makeup, all special Oh, only that there is In addition to clothing and shoes,mac brushes,

                                  The mall is not great, in general, is still relatively small scale, but if you like the inside of your Taobao can definitely find good stuff. Because in the subway,north face denali, the traffic is very convenient, as well as clothing accessories around the city and Ikea, and close to Xujiahui shopping district, like shopping, you try to do it?

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                                    Tuesday, February 22, 2011

                                    Best price!

                                      Recommended DC 1000-1500 per qualityconcerned about the northern arid
                                      years, you still dare to eat? 1000-1500 yuan what we can buy a digital camera? High-resolution,mac makeup, large screen, optical image stabilization, wide angle, panoramic stitching, smart scene mode, gorgeous and stylish appearance ... ... Yes, who can afford at this low price, these excellent prerequisites for the camera we can found. Facts have proved that cheap can also buy a good camera, this is not, the following several digital cameras are not allowed to have the security you brighten it.

                                      1200 megapixel 4x optical zoom: Canon A1100 IS

                                      Canon PowerShot A1100 IS, released last fall PowerShotA1000IS is an upgrade, not only full-featured, easy to use, and with high cost . A1100IS the latest price of only 1,360 yuan, is a very cheap portable home DC.

                                      in appearance, Canon A1100IS look graceful, based on the section will bring you pleasure in a good mood.

                                      A1100IS used 12.1 million 1/2.3 inch CCD, equipped with Canon's most advanced DIGIC4 image processor, with a more powerful data processing capacity to ensure high quality and high-speed image processing at the same time to achieve. A1100IS multiple of 4 times zoom, focal length equivalent to 35mm film machine's 35-140mm,mac brushes, support for optical image stabilization, ISO range is ISO80-1600, back of the fuselage is equipped with a 2.5-inch 115,000 pixel LCD screen.

                                      Canon (Canon) A1100 IS (parameters quoted comment)

                                      type of home digital cameras, digital cameras

                                      12.1 million effective pixels maximum resolution of 4000

                                      × 3000

                                      4.000 times optical zoom digital zoom

                                      4.000 times the sensor type CCD

                                      sensor size 1/2.3 inch

                                      Describe the use of sensor DIGIC 4 processing engine

                                      Intelligent Face-priority AF Focus Mode / central focus

                                      Date 2/17/2009 12:00:00 AM

                                      ultra-thin body is

                                      focal length (equivalent 35mm camera) 35-140mm

                                      the actual focal length of 6.2-24.8mm

                                      Normal focus range 50cm - infinity

                                      Macro focusing range (wide) 3cm - 50cm, (tele) 30cm - 50cm

                                      aperture range of F2.7 (wide angle)-F5.6 (telephoto)

                                      telescopic lens camera to explain

                                      built camera flash Flash mode Auto, forced, off, red-eye reduction, slow sync, red-eye reduction + slow sync

                                      types of electronic shutter shutter shutter speed 15-1/600 seconds

                                      program exposure mode / Auto / Easy Shooting / People / Landscape / Night Snapshot / Kids and Pets / Indoor / scene mode / Video

                                      Exposure Compensation ± 2 files to 1 / 3 file adjustment

                                      exposure metering Evaluative metering, Center-weighted average, spot metering

                                      sensitivity range of automatic; ISO 80/100/200/400/800/1600.

                                      White Balance Auto, Preset white balance preset

                                      daylight, cloudy, incandescent, fluorescent, fluorescent H, custom self-timer function support

                                      Continuous function 1.100 / sec

                                      IS optical image stabilization feature changed image stabilization

                                      red-eye reduction support < br>
                                      Face Recognition Face-priority AF, AE, FE face detection white balance (WB)

                                      image size 4000 × 3000 (large); 3264 × 2448 (in 1); 2592 × 1944 (in 2 ); 1600 × 1200 (in 3); 640 × 480 (small).

                                      video capture 640 × 480 pixels (30 frames / sec); 320 × 240 pixels (30 frames / sec).

                                      LCD Type TFT LCD display

                                      LCD screen size 2.500 inches

                                      115,000 pixel LCD screen Viewfinder type LCD


                                      Memory Card Type SD / SDHC / MMC / MMCplus / HC MMCplus card

                                      built-in / random memory card capacity 0.0MB

                                      Photo Format JPEG

                                      video formats AVI Image: Motion JPEG

                                      WAVE monaural audio input

                                      other features to support AV output

                                      Accessories CD-ROM power cable 32M memory card Battery Charger CB-2LXE lithium-ion rechargeable battery NB- 5L AV cable USB cable Wrist strap

                                      connection type USB 2.0

                                      Power AA (5) batteries × 2

                                      colors green, blue,nhl hockey, silver, pink color

                                      size 95.4 × 62.4 × 31mm

                                      weight of 155g

                                      printing support direct printing with Canon A1100IS new Auto shooting mode), a combination of face priority, noise reduction, motion detection and scene detection of four techniques, the camera in the filming, after shooting the same time, the optimization of image making. All of the above set automatically by the camera, the photographer just tap the shutter, you can shoot in different settings clearly beautiful photos.

                                      Canon (Canon) A1100 IS

                                      reference price 1360 yuan

                                      Contact Electronics Electronics digital camera store building 2A070 szsdwmr

                                      offer digital query Canon cameras (Canon) digital cameras offer

                                      Keywords: DC digital camera card machine console entry

                                      support Smile Shutter: Sony W210

                                      Sony compared to the previous W series of entry-type W110, the W210 can be said that the latest was carried out comprehensive and significant upgrade. Not only in the CCD, the processor core imaging components, LCD and appearance of the material also has no small progress. W210 is priced at 1,450 yuan now, and get a 2GB memory stick.

                                      appearance, the Sony W210 follows the W220 in the materials before the metal panels, the back of the design of engineering plastics, and non-slip side of the fuselage section with silver decoration. Front of the camera designed to be very simple, slender polished flash with the lens makes the camera look fashionable and beautiful ring. But to cut costs, Sony W210 does not use a colorful body design, at this stage in the Chinese mainland market, we can only buy silver products.

                                      Sony W210 uses a 1/2.3 inch, 12.1 million effective pixels Image Sensor Sony SuperHAD with 4x optical zoom lens, the equivalent focal length 30-120mm, the lens maximum aperture of F2.8 (wide) and F5.8 (telephoto), and certified by Carl Zeiss.

                                      BIONZEngine processor support by making the Sony W210 a new generation of facial recognition, including almost all owned by Sony high-end software features DC. In addition, the back of the Sony W210 is a mainstream 2.7-inch, 230,000-pixel screen, which in terms of size, clarity, or the actual effect, this LCD have reached a good level.

                                      Sony (SONY) W210 (parameters quoted comment)

                                      type of home digital cameras, digital camera Effective Pixels

                                      12,000,000 12,100,000 Maximum number of pixels

                                      maximum resolution 4000 × 3000

                                      4.000 times optical zoom digital zoom

                                      2.000 times the sensor type Super HAD CCD

                                      Sensor Size 1/2.5 inch

                                      Focus AF mode

                                      Date 4/1/2009 12:00:00 AM

                                      focal length (equivalent to 35mm camera ) 30-140mm

                                      the actual focal length of 5.35-21.4mm

                                      Normal focus range (wide) 4cm - infinity, (tele) 50cm - infinity Micro

                                      Focus range from the (wide) 4cm - infinity, (tele) 50cm - infinity

                                      Aperture range F2.8-F5.8

                                      telescopic lens that Carl Cai Secretary camera flash built-in lens

                                      effective ISO Auto Flash range: about 0.2-about 3.9m (wide), about 0.5-about 1.9m (telephoto), ISO3200: up to about 7.1m (wide), about 3.9m (telephoto).

                                      Flash Modes Auto / Forced flash / Flash Off / Slow Sync

                                      electronic shutter Shutter Type exposure compensation with exposure compensation ± 2.0EV, 1/3EV

                                      each level multiple exposure metering, center-weighted, Spot

                                      Night Scene mode, Night Portrait, Soft Snap, Landscape, Beach , snow, fireworks, high sensitivity, smile shutter, automatic water

                                      speed range; ISO 100/200/400/800/1600/3200.

                                      White Balance Auto, Pre-set

                                      white balance preset Daylight, Cloudy, Fluorescent 1, Fluorescent 2, Fluorescent 3, Incandescent, Flash Self-Timer function support

                                      , 10 seconds, 2 seconds delay with

                                      making function 0.000 / sec

                                      Shake Reduction electronic image stabilization

                                      red-eye reduction support facial recognition

                                      red-eye reduction Off / Auto / Child / Adult

                                      image size 3072 × 2304 (7M); 2592 × 1944 (5M); 2048 × 1536 (3M); 640 × 480 (VGA); 3072 × 2048 (6M, 2 mode); 3072 × 1728 (5M,: 9 mode) ; 1920 × 1080 (2M)

                                      video capture 640 × 480 (Fine, 30fps); 320 × 240 (8.3fps).

                                      LCD screen type TFT LCD display

                                      LCD screen size 2.700 inches

                                      230,000 pixel LCD screen Viewfinder type LCD


                                      Memory Card Type MS Duo / MS Pro card

                                      Built-in / random memory card capacity 15.0MB

                                      Photo Format JPEG

                                      video format MPEG1

                                      mono audio playback support

                                      Show Strings playback; effect type: 5 (basic, simple, active, nostalgic, stylish); Audio: Yes (8, up to five minutes) Playback Zoom: 8 times; playback possible size: not more than 7M (3072 × 2304) .

                                      other features to support intelligent scene mode and Dynamic Range Optimization

                                      connection type USB 2.0

                                      Power NP-BG1 lithium battery

                                      colors silver, black , pink, green

                                      weight 0.0g

                                      W210 W series of new cameras, although most entry-level model, but the configuration in no way inferior to high-end products, is a good price household-type digital cameras.

                                      Sony (SONY) W210

                                      reference price 1,450 yuan (Free 2G memory stick)

                                      Contact Hengda WorldCom Beijing (Haidian District, Building 4, Room 309, River Manor / 82569186 Sales)

                                      offer digital cameras offer Sony query (SONY) digital cameras offer

                                      Keywords: DC digital camera card machine console cheap entry

                                      optical image stabilization Card Machine: Nikon S560 Nikon S560

                                      is to create a card using all-metal machine, with a million pixels 5x optical zoom, and equipped with optical image stabilization feature, also has a large 2.7-inch LCD screen, the configuration is very good. S560 of the latest price of 1350 yuan.

                                      Nikon Nikon S560 a good interpretation of the design style: fashion, thin. The camera's design is very avant-garde, ultra-thin body is very attractive. Body of the volume of 93 × 54.5 × 23.5mm, weight 130 grams, very lightweight.

                                      Nikon S560 uses a 1/2.33 inch 10 million-pixel CCD. Use the traditional 35mm camera equivalent focal length of 28-112mm, maximum aperture of f/3.5-5.6 5x optical zoom lens. ISO is 64/100/200/400/800/1600/3200, as 4-1/2000 seconds shutter, and has electronic image stabilization function.

                                      Nikon S560 has a 2.7 inch 230,000 pixel LCD viewfinder, the viewfinder display in general, after all, is the entry-level camera. Camera with MPEG-4 compression format, to get the maximum recording time.

                                      Nikon S560 Although no super beautiful appearance, but the metal body design is very practical and more suitable for family, friends can be a lot of interest concerns. Nikon S560

                                      Price 1350 (single)

                                      Contact Genesis Hengyu Beijing (Haidian District, Beijing Zhongguancun Hailong Building, 1022 E, Room)

                                      Price check product pricing digital cameras Nikon digital cameras offer

                                      Keywords: DC digital camera card machine console entry

                                      thinnest 14mm thin card machine: Samsung ST50

                                      Samsung has just listed the ST50 is a size of only 94.2 × 55.7 × 16.6mm, 14.2mm and even reached the thinnest of thin card machine. For a card with telescopic lens unit, this thinnest thickness has reached the current level. At present this card machines has fallen to 1480 yuan, gave 4GBSD card.

                                      in the design, the Samsung is a great experience. I have had this brilliant series and the NV series because of the card machine exquisite designs and excellent workmanship captured a lot of users. Samsung ST50 still passing on these advantages, and carefully brushed metal case design eliminates the need for users to easily hand-stained pattern of trouble. Samsung ST50

                                      using 12.4 million pixels 1/2.33 inch CCD, 3 optical zoom lens equivalent focal length 35-105mm, speed range support ISO80-3200 (pixels down to 300 million), body on the back using a 2.7-inch 230,000 pixel LCD screen, has a good display.

                                      ST50 is also equipped with Samsung's recently become a very popular a very useful function.

                                      Samsung (SAMSUNG) ST50 (parameters quoted comment)

                                      type of digital camera card Digital Camera

                                      12.2 million effective pixels maximum resolution of 3456 ×


                                      3.000 times optical zoom digital zoom

                                      0.000 times the sensor type CCD

                                      on sensor size 1/2.5

                                      Focus mode TTL auto focus (Center AF, Multi AF, manual selection AF, manual focus, face detection AF)

                                      camera flash built-in flash Effective range

                                      Wide: 0.2m -4.6m; Tele: 0.5m-2.3m (ISO Auto)

                                      Flash Modes Auto, Auto & Red-eye reduction, Anytime flash, Slow sync, forced off, Red-eye fix
                                      < br> Shutter Type Mechanical and Electronic shutter Shutter Speed

                                      automatic: 1/8-1/2000 seconds, other :16-1 / 1500 seconds seconds

                                      Exposure mode Programmed auto exposure
                                      < br> Exposure Compensation ± 2.0EV, 1/3EV level adjustment

                                      exposure metering average metering, spot metering, Center-Weighted Metering, Face Detection AE

                                      guide Scene modes, Portrait, Children , Landscape, Close Up, Text, Sunset, Dawn, Backlight, Fireworks, Beach & Snow, Self, food, coffee

                                      automatic speed range; manual: ISO 80/100/200/400/800 / 1600/3200 (only 3M pixels)

                                      White Balance Auto, Preset white balance preset

                                      daylight, cloudy, fluorescent lamps, fluorescent lights low, light bulbs, custom

                                      self-timer function for 2 seconds, 10 seconds delay, self twice, moving the body self

                                      Continuous function 0.000 / sec

                                      Shake Reduction optical image stabilization, electronic anti- shaking, Dual Image Stabilization (optical image stabilization and digital image stabilization)

                                      eliminate red-eye reduction automatic red-eye reduction, red-eye correction

                                      face recognition face recognition, smile recognition, blink recognition

                                      LCD Type TFT LCD display

                                      LCD screen size 3.000 inches

                                      460,000 pixel LCD screen Viewfinder type LCD


                                      memory card Type SD / SDHC / Mini SD / MMC card

                                      built-in / random memory card capacity 30.0MB

                                      picture formats JPEG, EXIF 2.21, DPOF 1.1, PictBridge 1.0

                                      Video format MP4 (H.264)

                                      playback leaflets, thumbnails, slide shows, video, intelligent album; slide: use the slide function can play background music.

                                      Other characteristics of English, Korean, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Russian, Portuguese, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Finnish, Thai, Malay, Indonesian, Arabic , Czech, Polish, Hungarian, Turkish, Estonian, Lithuanian, Latvian and Persian

                                      Accessories Guide photo shoot Charger Data Cable CD-ROM included with the software

                                      Camera Driver: Storage Driver (2000/ME/XP/VISTA, Mac OS 9.0-10.4TBD); Application: Samsung Master, Adobe Reader

                                      connection type USB 2.0 Interface, PictBridge 1.0 Interface

                                      Power Rechargeable lithium battery, SLB-10A

                                      color red

                                      weight 0.0g

                                      printing support direct printing

                                      exquisite designs, excellent workmanship, excellent portability, excellent LCD display, intelligent shooting modes, plus Samsung's own brand status as a card machine, Samsung ST50 clear market positioning for it has laid a successful basis. Although the ST50 and disadvantages, but for its own audience, these are not much of a problem.

                                      Samsung (SAMSUNG) ST50

                                      reference price 1480 yuan (Free 4GB SD card)

                                      Contact Island Beijing million Innovation (Electronics Electronic City, Room 1715, 17th Floor / 82539648 / 82536341 Miss Zhang)

                                      offer product pricing inquiries Samsung digital camera (SAMSUNG) digital cameras offer

                                      evaluation exquisite bubble Samsung ST50 16mm slim card evaluation

                                      Key words: DC digital camera card machine console entry

                                      3 inch screen 28mm wide-angle: Fuji J250

                                      1000 megapixel imaging capability, Fujinon 5x optical zoom lens, 3.0-inch LCD screen, built-in Dual Image Stabilization technology - Fuji J250 Fuji J Series is undoubtedly another step forward. This is the first time Fujitsu J series models used in CCD shift image stabilization technology, which combined with high sensitivity to ensure the clarity of the screen shot. Currently J250 sold for just 1,200 yuan.

                                      from the design point of view, Fuji J250 metallic and diamond grinding FinePiLOGO filling luxury, and its beautiful metallic lens ring will make you even more amazed. Coupled with the appearance of small pocket-sized dimensions, stylish design and impressive feature set, it can be placed into pocket or bag to carry shall be for emergency use.

                                      Fuji J250 has a lot of powerful shooting features, intelligent scene recognition (SRAuto) can make you more quick and easy to shoot. Users need to do is compose the scenery, SRAuto will quickly identify the intelligent automatic scene taken out of the current categories (including Portrait, Landscape, Night Scene, Macro, Backlight Portrait, and Night Portrait) - and select the best parameter settings to shoot. Fuji J250

                                      equally intelligent Face Detection technology, including automatic red-eye correction function can automatically correct for shooting at the same time reflective and often retinal annoying red-eye to get near-perfect portraits.

                                      Fuji J250 has a high precision Fujinon 5x optical zoom 28mm wide-angle lens. A wide range of focal lengths powerful means to cope with the vast majority of which camera shot the scene, shine from the family gatherings with collective visual impact of the landscape photos, macro photos, and creative, even if the dynamics can cope with shooting video ease.

                                      Nikon (Nikon) D90 (parameters quoted comment)

                                      type digital SLR digital camera Effective Pixels

                                      12,300,000 12,900,000 Maximum number of pixels

                                      maximum resolution 4288 × 2848

                                      0.000 times optical zoom digital zoom

                                      0.000 times the sensor type CMOS

                                      sensor Size 23.6 × 15.8mm

                                      AF mode TTL phase detection by Nikon Multi-CAM 1000 AF module, 11-point AF system

                                      Date 8/28/2008 12:00 : 00 AM

                                      interchangeable lens camera that

                                      built-in camera flash i-TTL flash metering modes; flash control supports up to 2 groups; Front-curtain sync, slow speed sync, Rear-Curtain Sync, Red-eye reduction, slow sync with red-eye reduction; support the built-in flash and control SB800/600/900 cited wireless flash TTL flash metering creative; Sync: X = 1 / 200 second; in 1 / 200 seconds or less speed, to keep pace with the shutter.

                                      support external flash external flash shutter speed B

                                      door, 30-1/4000 second

                                      exposure Modes Auto mode automatically (Auto Flash Off), Scene modes (Portrait, Landscape, Sports, Close Up, Night Portrait), Programmed Auto with flexible program mode (P), Shutter-Priority Auto (S), aperture priority auto mode ( A), Manual (M)

                                      Exposure Compensation ± 5 EV range in 1 / 3 EV or 1 / 2 EV; steps surrounded by fine-tuning: 1 / 3, 1 / 2, 2 / 3, 1 or 2EV adjustment in school grading 2 to 3 times the exposure

                                      exposure metering using 420 RGB sensor TTL exposure metering; Matrix Metering: 3D Color Matrix Metering II (G-and D lenses) Color Matrix Metering II (other CPU lenses); Center-weighted distribution of about 75% of the weight center of frame 6,8 or 10mm diameter circle; spot metering focus on selection of the focus as the center of 3.5mm diameter circle (about screen 2%;

                                      scene modes Auto modes (auto, auto flash off); scene modes (Portrait, Landscape, Sports, Close Up, Night Portrait); with flexible program automatically mode (P); Shutter-Priority Auto (S); Aperture Priority Auto (A); Manual (M).

                                      sensitivity range of ISO 200-3200, with 1 / 3 EV steps of adjustment ; ISO 200 below, the sensitivity to about 0.3,0.7, or 1EV (ISO 100 equivalent) for rating descending; higher than the ISO3200, the sensitivity to about 0.3,0.7, or 1 EV (ISO6400 equivalent) for grading increments .

                                      White Balance Auto, Manual, White Balance Preset Auto Preset

                                      (with main image sensor and 420-RGB sensor TTL white balance); with manual fine-tuning the 12 model; color temperature setting; preset manual white balance function support

                                      self-timer function, you can choose 2 seconds, 5 seconds, 10 seconds and 20 seconds delay Continuous function

                                      4.500 / Continuous function description seconds

                                      per second continuous shooting speed of about 1-4 sheets

                                      support facial recognition facial recognition

                                      image size 4288 × 2848; 3216 × 2136; 2144 × 1424.

                                      video capture supports video capture function; support 320 × 216,640 × 424,1280 × 720 (720p) resolution recording (24 frames / sec)

                                      LCD Type TFT LCD display

                                      LCD screen size 3.000 inches

                                      920,000 pixel LCD screen Viewfinder type SLR

                                      viewfinder / LCD viewfinder viewfinder magnification ratio


                                      diopter adjustment -2.0 to +1.0 m (-1)

                                      Memory Card Type SD / SDHC card

                                      built-in / random memory card capacity 0.0MB

                                      photo formats RAW, JPEG, RAW + JPEG

                                      Video Format M-JPEG

                                      playback supports full screen playback zoom and thumbnail (4,9 or 72 images or calendar ) playback, video playback, Pictmotion, slide show, histogram display, highlight display, auto image rotation and image comment (up to 36 characters)

                                      other features with the spirit of the preview button; Tripod Socket 1 / 4 inches; supports Eye-Fi (wireless SD card); fuselage built-in image editing function; support dynamic D-Lighting function; support for HDMI output (1080i, 720p, 576p, 480p).

                                      Random annex rechargeable lithium-ion battery EN-EL3e, Quick Charger MH-18a, Eyepiece Cap DK-5, Rubber Eyecup DK-21, USB Cable UC-E4, Audio / Video Cable EG-D2, Camera Strap AN-DC1, LCD Monitor Cover BM-10, the fuselage cover, Accessory Shoe Cover BS-1, Software Suite CD-ROM disc

                                      connection type PictBridge 1.0/USB 2.0

                                      power 1 EN-EL3e Li-ion rechargeable battery

                                      Color Black

                                      size 132 × 103 × 77mm

                                      support the weight of 620.0g

                                      Print PictBridge

                                      more commendable is that high-performance Fuji J250 Fuji loaded with multiple anti-shake feature, in addition, Fuji J250 also has a large 3.0-inch LCD, allows you to enjoy, composition, recording and playback of fun. now this machine As long as the price of 1,200 yuan, like friends can think about.

                                      Fuji (Fujifilm) J250

                                      reference price of 1,200 yuan

                                      Contact British plans digital (11 layers Electronics 1117B room / 51656053)

                                      offer query Price Fuji digital cameras (Fujifilm) digital cameras offer

                                      Keywords: DC digital camera card machine household machine fashion lightweight entry

                                      The slide card machine: Olympus Olympus μ1070 μ1070

                                      is a stylish appearance with powerful functions and design features of the μ series for the new card machine. μ1070 equipped with 12 million pixels CCD and 3x optical zoom lens, in addition to a cool new design also μ1070 luxurious mirror slider design. μ1070 currently sells for 1,470 yuan.

                                      μ1070 With Olympus Digital Camera Lens Advanced development of technology, equipped with periscope-style high-quality 3x optical zoom lens. It can take a realistic and attractive picture. combined with high sensitivity anti-shake, the user can rest assured that the location shooting, shooting high-quality images .

                                      addition, μ1070 also equipped with an enhanced 16 face and shadow recognition. This technology can automatically focus on people's faces, but also according to the brightness of the subject on each photo a part of the accurate exposure control. Therefore, the backlight fails people often shoot photo shoot can also be assured.

                                      beauty features a newly developed real-time given for the modification of the main capabilities, it uses facial recognition During the shooting or playback to detect the face region in the image. After shooting amendment by the vivid facial perfect eyes, flashing eyes and bright color to enhance the effect of facial expression.

                                      Olympus (OLYMPUS) μ1070 (parameters offer)

                                      nickname μ1070

                                      digital camera digital camera digital camera

                                      type of household Number of Effective Pixels 12.7 million

                                      maximum resolution 3648 × 2736

                                      3.000 times optical zoom digital zoom

                                      5.000 times the sensor type CCD

                                      1/2.33 inch sensor size

                                      described TruePicIII engine sensor means iESP

                                      Focus AF, Spot AF, Face Focus

                                      focal length (equivalent 35mm camera) 38-114mm

                                      the actual focal length of 6.7-20.1mm

                                      Normal Focus Range 50cm-infinity

                                      Macro Focus Range 20cm - 30cm

                                      Super Macro focusing distance of 0.07 -0.5m fixed focal length and aperture range of the flash off


                                      said 明奥林巴斯 camera lens, telescopic lens Lens construction: 10 elements in 8 groups, 3 aspherical lens, an ED lens (35mm camera equivalent 38 ~ 114mm lens)

                                      camera flash built-in wide angle Flash range

                                      effective approximately 0.2-4.1m, telephoto of about ( ISO800) 0.3-2.9m

                                      automatic flash mode (low lighting and backlighting time), Red-eye reduction, Off (no flash), Anytime Flash

                                      electronic shutter Shutter Type Shutter speed 1/2-1/1000 sec

                                      Exposure Compensation ± 2EV, 1/3EV

                                      each stall Exposure Metering Digital ESP metering, spot metering

                                      scene Modes Portrait, Landscape, Memorial Photography, Night & figures, sports, nature, food, display window, smiling, animated

                                      Sensitivity of the automated, ISO 80,100,200,400,800,1600

                                      White Balance Auto, Preset white balance preset

                                      sunny, cloudy, incandescent, fluorescent

                                      Continuous function of three 14.000 / sec

                                      Continuous function description of about 14 / s (300 million pixels) can be continuous shooting 12

                                      CCD Anti-Shake + Shake Reduction electronic image stabilization

                                      red-eye reduction support

                                      shadow of facial recognition technology and face recognition technology to identify

                                      image size 3248 × 2436; 640 × 480

                                      video capture 640 × 480 30/15fps, continuous shooting until the memory card filled up; 320 × 24030/15fps, continuous shooting until the memory card filled up.

                                      LCD screen type TFT LCD display

                                      2.700 inches LCD screen size LCD screen pixel 23.000


                                      Viewfinder type LCD viewfinder

                                      Memory Card Type xD Card (2GB) / Micro SD card (8GB)

                                      built-in / random memory card capacity 44.0MB

                                      Photo format JPEG, supports DPOF, Exif 2.2, PIM III

                                      video format AVI Motion JPEG

                                      playback image editing: size of editing, cropping, black and white, brown, color editing , title synthesis, calendar synthesis, expression editing, face focus, exposure adjustment, red-eye correction

                                      other features shooting in the dark places can also be easily composition 3fps continuous flash can be easily achieved under continuous low light Shooting humane shooting guide, menu guide, a scene before shooting guide can preview various shooting synthesis directly in the camera panoramic photo

                                      connection type PictBridge 1.0/USB 2.0

                                      Power Li -42B lithium-ion rechargeable battery; optional external AC power supply.

                                      size of 89 × 55.5 × 20mm

                                      weight of 105.0g

                                      μ1070 also features 23 million pixels, 2.7 inches 2 Ultra crystal liquid crystal display, it has a high contrast, wide viewing angle characteristics, the user can easily under strong light, clear and beautiful images here. Meanwhile, μ1070 with champagne, blue and pink three stylish machine body colors to choose from.

                                      Olympus (OLYMPUS) μ1070

                                      reference price 1470 yuan

                                      Contact the British chart Digital (Electronics 11th Floor, Room 1117B / 51656053)

                                      offer product pricing inquiries Olympus digital camera (OLYMPUS) Digital cameras offer

                                      Keywords: DC digital camera card machine console entry

                                      thin Metal panoramic Card Machine: Kodak M420 Kodak M420

                                      M series is representative of new products, both in appearance and concise fashion, with a strong shooting ability and a very smart internal technology, it is easy to capture ideas Kodak one of the representative. This Kodak started selling the new book already on the market, the price is only 1,380 yuan.

                                      M420 Kodak designs changed in the past old-fashioned, with a new stylish design, it is refreshing. M420 metal body good texture, though the card body, still has a good sense of grip. M420 23 million pixels with 3 inches LCD screen, with a good display.

                                      using Kodak M420 10 million pixel 1/2.3 inch CCD, a 4x optical zoom Schneider lenses in Germany, the equivalent focal lengths covering 28-112mm, with 28mm wide-angle capability. M420 has optical image stabilization system, and supports the sensitivity of ISO64-1600 , for a variety of light conditions shooting.

                                      Kodak (KODAK) M420 (parameters quoted comment)

                                      type of digital camera card Digital Camera Effective Pixels

                                      largest number of pixels 10,300,000 The maximum resolution

                                      3648 × 2736

                                      4.000 times optical zoom digital zoom

                                      5.000 times the sensor type CCD

                                      sensor size 1/2.3 inch

                                      focus TTL-AF auto focus mode (standard, macro, infinity optional), Continuous AF, Single AF , multi-zone AF (5 zone), center zone AF

                                      focal length (equivalent 35mm camera) 28-112mm

                                      Normal focus range (wide) 10cm - infinity , (tele) 50cm - infinity Macro Focus Range

                                      (wide) 10cm - 100cm, (tele) 50cm - 100cm

                                      aperture range of F2.6-F5.8

                                      lens shows lens SCHNEIDER-KREUZNACH VARIOGON

                                      camera flash built-in flash effective range of 0.2m-4.0m (wide, ISO 400); 0.5m-1.8m (telephoto, ISO 400).

                                      Flash mode automatic, fill, red eye reduction, off; flash off: <0.3 seconds (wide), <0.5 seconds (wide), br> Exposure compensation-2.0EV to +2.0 EV,north face denali, 1 / 3 EV exposure adjustment

                                      multi-metering mode, the central focus, the center

                                      Scene Modes Portrait / Sports / Landscape / Close / Night Portrait / Night Scenery / Snow / Beach / text / Documentation / Fireworks / Flowers / Museum / Mute / Self / High Sensitivity / children / Backlight / pan / Candle / Sunset / right panorama left / about Panorama / Shake Reduction / Programming

                                      speed range automatically (smart capture): ISO 64/100/200/400/800/1600; Manual: ISO64/100/200/400/800/1600/3200/6400 (optional).

                                      White Balance Auto, Preset white balance preset

                                      Daylight / Incandescent / Fluorescent / outdoor shade

                                      timer function for 2 seconds, 10 seconds delay, 2 , 3 delay

                                      Continuous function 0.000 / sec

                                      Continuous Function Description Single, before shooting (1.7 fps, up to 6), after the burst (1.7 fps, the last six), self-timer (10 seconds), two self-timer (10 sec), delay shutter (2 sec).

                                      Shake Reduction optical image stabilization system IS anti

                                      Red-eye red-eye reduction

                                      support facial recognition support face detection

                                      image size Smart Capture Mode: 3648 × 2736 (1000 million pixels, 4:3) 3648 × 2432 (890 million pixels, 3:2 ) 3648 × 2064 (750 million pixel, 16:9) 2592 × 1944 (500 million pixels, 4:3) 2592 × 1728 (450 million pixels, 3:2) 2592 × 1456 (380 million pixel, 16:9) 2048 × 1536 (310 million pixels, 4:3) 2048 × 1360 (280 million pixels, 3:2) 2048 × 1152 (240 million pixel, 16:9) shooting mode other: 3648 × 2736 (1000 million pixels, 4:3 ) 3648 × 2432 (890 million pixels, 3:2) 3648 × 2064 (750 million pixel, 16:9) 2592 × 1944 (500 million pixels, 4:3) 2048 × 1536 (310 million pixels, 4:3) 1800